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The 10th annual Walk A Mile In My Shoes event is THIS SATURDAY, OCT. 9TH!

Check your email for day-of event details and click the link(s) below to find your designated Walk Wave time.

Please arrive 45min - 1 hour prior to your Walk Wave time. We can't wait to celebrate with you all!!!





If you'd still like to participate in our event, please register IN PERSON.

ALL walk-in's will be put in the 11:30AM Walk Wave, so please arrive no later than 10:45AM. Thank you!

$85000 Goal


Total Raised

Top Fundraisers:

1. Patti Dillon - $9,245

2. Dave Callahan - $8,000

3. Dan Bailey - $2,825

4. Jerry & Kelly Wiesner - $1,300

5. Barbara Ulmer - $1,150

6. Michelle Square - $1,125

7. Naomi Racana - $930

Additional Facebook Supporters: Kimberly Reed, Rene Perez, Wendy Griffith, Cora DeGuzman, Sean Thomas, Ronise Zenon, and Marci Madole.

Donate Now

Unable to Walk with us? Please consider making a donation to help our Mission!

No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.

*Only Registered Walkers are required to list a "Team Name" and "T-Shirt Size".

Over 13,000 individuals and family members were estimated to have experienced homelessness at some point in 2020 in Southern Nevada. For over 50 years, the Las Vegas Rescue Mission has provided safe shelter, meals, long-term rehabilitation programs, counseling, and encouragement to help our neighbors escape homelessness forever.

Participating in the Walk A Mile In My Shoes event is the perfect way to spread awareness and raise funds towards helping end homelessness. We encourage everyone in our community to get involved in this free event.

All funds raised go towards providing food, shelter, and addiction recovery to those who need it most.

Hosted By

Las Vegas Rescue Mission
Valerie Weiderman

Location of Event

Las Vegas Review-Journal, West Bonanza Road, Las Vegas, NV, USA

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