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The round bales will sell in bundles of 25 with the winning bidder having the option to add up to an additional 10 bales to fill out a semi load.
The round bales weigh approximately 1,250 pounds and will vary some from bale to bale.
This Sudex hay has a 13% protein value and is the first cutting and was irrigated and fertilized. The hay was not rained on between cutting and baling and was cut early while the stalks were very immature and small - it is an extremely high quality hay.
The crude protein percentage of the hay is 13.3% and we have attached the complete NIR1 results to view.
The round bales have 4 net wrappings.
1. Round Bale
2. NIR1 Test Results
3. Hay Grazer
50 square bales per lot
The square bales weigh approximately 60 pounds and will vary some from bale to bale.
1. Square Bales
25 square bales per lot
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