$400,000 Goal
Total Raised
Donate Now
Can't attend but would like to make a difference?
By making a gift to the Auction you are shining the spotlight on every Academy student. Funds raised support the Academy and our partners at Breakthrough Pittsburgh. All gifts, no matter the size, are valued, recognized, and put into action. Your generosity keeps up moving forward.
Thank you for your support!
Event Schedule
6:00 PM
Registration & Silent Auction Open
Cocktails & Passed Hors d'oeuvres
7:30 PM
8:30 PM
Live Auction Begins
10:00 PM
10:30 PM
Silent Auction Closes
11:00 PM
Event Concludes
Sewickley Academy's 37th Annual Auction: There's No Place Like SA
Click your heels and follow the Yellow Brick Road to Sewickley Academy's 37th Annual Auction: There's No Place Like SA on Saturday, April 20, 2024.
It all started with a dream. The dream of a woman who knew that imagination and perseverance could take her anywhere, even over the rainbow. The yellow brick road leads to a magical place...HOME!
There's no place like SA, a premier independent school that educates our leaders of tomorrow.
Your sponsorship of our 2024 auction will help us continue to inspire our students to develop their passions for the arts, athletics, and academics. Net proceeds support the SA Fund and Breakthrough Pittsburgh. So, follow the yellow brick road, watch out for flying monkeys, and join us on April 20, 2024!