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Check out this Family Night Movie Basket! This would make such a great gift!
Indulge with this beautiful basket with wines, chocolates and other yummy snacks!
For all the little fur babies! A comfy pet bed filled with treats!
Settle in for a good flick when the weather gets chilly! Along with a hand-made blanket, the items in this basket will make for a cozy movie night!
$15 Gift Certificate
one (1) $10 Gift Card
Five (5) 5$ Gift cards for a total of $25 to be used at Perkins
$25 Gift Card for Giant Eagle
$30 Gift Certificate
Two (2) 1-topping Large Pizza certificates, $30 Value
$20 Gift Card
$25 Gift Certificate for the Dubois Dutch Pantry
$20 Gift Certificate
$25 Gift Certificate
$100 Gift Certificate for Target
$10 Gift Certificate
$25 Gift Card
$25 Gift Certificate for Prime Sirloin Buffet Altoona
Four (4) $5 Gift Cards for Chili's Altoona, value = $20
Two (2) $30 gift certificates from Scotto's Pizzeria in Clearfield
Get your freezer ready for winter with this local beef package!
Brought to you by the Medical and Nursing staff at AAA and SWC, this Penn State Experience Basket is LOADED with tickets and gift certificates for a good time in Happy Valley! It includes tickets to a Penn State Game and a parking pass, tickets to PSU Hockey and gift cards for The Tavern, 2000 Degrees and the PS Creamery PLUS tons of PSU merchandise!
All of your tailgating needs with all the extras for your next event!
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