The Future of Menstrual Equity: A Panel on Access & Action
Join the Desai Foundation in celebrating Menstrual Hygiene Month with a virtual panel on access & action for menstrual equity!
We're kicking off the #PledgeYourPeriod campaign by inviting those who have been leading voices in the Menstrual Equity movement to speak on menstrual health, celebrate menstruators by telling their stories, and discuss how we can break stigmas by shifting community mindsets, media, and policy!
- Charis Chambers, Board Certified OBGYN trained in Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology, known as The Period Doctor
- Jennifer Weiss-Wolf, Author, Period Equity Co-Founder, Executive Director of the Birnhaum Women's Leadership Network at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law
- Kylar Broadus, Attorney, Activist, Public Speaker, Author and Professor
- Kay Cannon, Writer and Director
- Megha Desai, President of the Desai Foundation
Moderated By:
- Danielle McNally, Executive Editor at Marie Claire
NOTE: The link to the virtual panel will be shared prior to the event.
Please register above to ensure you receive the link.
Learn more about the #PledgeYourPeriod movement:
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Can't attend? Help our cause by supporting our fundraising efforts for menstrual equity.
All funds raised will go directly to our Asani Sanitary Napkin program, which empowers women financially by training them to manufacture and distribute high-quality, low-cost sanitary napkins throughout their communities.
About the Organizer:
The Desai Foundation/Trust is an organization that empowers women and children through community programming to elevate health, livelihood and menstrual equity in rural India.