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"We Are Family"

$225 current bid
2 Bids

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Title: We Are Family

Artist: Donna Lochmann

Medium: Digital Photography w/ Repurposed Wood

Dimensions: 22" x 27"

"Meet Arlo and Arlette. I'm not sure if Arlette is his mom or aunt, but they are most definitely related. Although they supposedly "belong" to someone, they are seen staying in this abandoned house and always out looking for food. Their coats are in rough shape, thin from the constant scratching from fleas, ribs showing and the same defeated look in their eyes. Arlette has had multiple litters and the last one, Arlo may have even been the dad. This is a horrible cycle that does not have to be. And for these two dogs, that cycle is broken. Both have been rescued and medically treated. Arlette has an enlarged heart from heartworms, but now has the fullest, softest fur and will never have another litter of pups. She is a happy, affectionate girl. Arlo is also a happy, healthy, adopted boy and loved by his family."

*Due to the size and/or fragility of this item, it is NOT available for shipping. It is Local Pick Up Only. If you are the winning bidder and are not in attendance to pick up your artwork the night of the event at the Four Seasons, artwork will be available for pick up from the Pine Street Shelter starting Tuesday, August 15th. Artwork will NOT be available to pick up before this (unless you are notified otherwise via email). All winning bidders will receive an email with more information once the auction has closed.

Donated By Donna Lochmann

Own what matters from the lender that cares Randy Morgan (314) 401-3986

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