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"Waiting to Go Bye Bye"

$225 current bid
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Title: Waiting to Go Bye Bye

Artist: Donna Lochmann

Medium: Digital Photography w/ Repurposed Wood

Dimensions: 17.5" x 29.5"

"As it often happens, some concerned neighbors alerted us to a dog that had been in an abandoned house for at least a week. This house was not just a dilapidated, abandoned house. There were large areas of floors missing and parts of the stairs as well. The reports were that the dog was coming out the upstairs window onto the roof. Once we were inside, we were a bit shocked that he would have made his way through the broken parts of the house up to the top floor! We searched for a way up and still had no sightings of the dog.

It became apparent that even if we got to the top floor from inside, there would not be a safe way to try to come down with this dog in tow. We decided the best approach would be to get up there from the outside. The neighbors were nice enough to supply us with the ladder, and up I went. I climbed through the window and kept calling. Still no sign of the dog as I made my way from room to room. Finally, in the last room, as I whistled, a big, skinny boy peeked out from behind a chair and crept his way over to me. It really was like he was saying "are you here for me?"

He followed me back to the room with the window that was our way out. Now I had to figure out how to get him down the ladder. The neighborhood guys were there and ready to help! I got him through the window and out onto the roof, harness wrapped him, picked him up and handed him to the guy waiting on the ladder. He took him and was able to hand him down to the next guy on the ground. He was out of that house and safe! The neighbors were all excited and happy to have helped. Someone said, "that rescue was epic!" So that is how Epic got his name."

*Due to the size and/or fragility of this item, it is NOT available for shipping. It is Local Pick Up Only. If you are the winning bidder and are not in attendance to pick up your artwork the night of the event at the Four Seasons, artwork will be available for pick up from the Pine Street Shelter starting Tuesday, August 15th. Artwork will NOT be available to pick up before this (unless you are notified otherwise via email). All winning bidders will receive an email with more information once the auction has closed.

Donated By Donna Lochmann

Taking PAWS to help our rescue community

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