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Matilda by Evelyn from The Fountains

My name is Evelyn. My memories are of my maternal grandmother, Matilda. She was a wonderful cook and she lived in Indianapolis, IN. She was just so special. She was soothing and could always put my mind at ease. Every time we were sick, she came to take care of us. I had lots of brothers and sisters, but she always came. There was Anita, Harry, me, Ruth, Mary, Don, and Sylvan. She took care of anyone who needed it, not just us. I can still remember her trying to climb the fence to get over to us. When I was about 12 and got strep throat, she said to my grandfather "Jerry, you dirty Irishman, you have to let me get over that fence to help take care of Evelyn." Matilda was my wonderful, beautiful grandmother. I love her.

Donated By Memories in the Making Artist

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