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Help our cause by contributing to our fundraising efforts.

No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.

Make a lasting difference by selecting the "MONTHLY" option below and making your donation a recurring gift!

The RED CURTAIN PLEDGE CAMPAIGN is Queensbury Theatre and TSPA's systematic giving plan - and gives donors a chance to make a super-size ANNUAL impact through bite-size MONTHLY donations!

 A monthly pledge of any amount is hugely beneficial, and will receive playbill and website recognition, and when you pledge $50 and up, and your name will be added to our fabulous RED CURTAIN PLEDGE WALL, and admired by everyone who passes through the doors of the lobby!

 Donor levels are:

$50-99 a month: BRONZE nameplate Recognition

$100-149 a month: SILVER nameplate recognition

$150+ a month: GOLD nameplate recognition

 There's never been a better time or an easier path to donating, and making a lasting difference through the arts!  For more details on just how you can take part, just check out the video below, featuring some of our awesome TSPA students!!!

Hosted By

Queensbury Theatre

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