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A $25 donation to the Butterfly House & Aquarium could help to provide water quality testing for one week. Every week we test the water in the aquarium exhibits to ensure the water is the best quality possible for our aquatic animals. Aquatic animals are incredibly delicate creatures, and they need clean water in order to stay healthy in their saltwater habitats.
A $50 donation to the Butterfly House & Aquarium could help to provide recognition awards for ten of our volunteers reaching service milestones with the organization. The Butterfly House & Aquarium's volunteers are a critical part of our ability to offer educational and inspiring experiences to our guests. From July 2020 through June 2021, 232 volunteers donated 6,215 hours of service.
A $100 donation to the Butterfly House & Aquarium could help to provide shrimp, fish, and clams to feed the stingrays for one week. The stingrays eat twice a day every day, and we feed all of our marine animals sustainably caught restaurant quality seafood. This ensures we are working with environmentally responsible suppliers and we prioritize the highest health and welfare for our animals.
A $250 donation to the Butterfly House & Aquarium could help to provide admission for 20 people visiting from our community partners. We provide free admission to our nonprofit community partners, including DakotAbilities, LifeScape, Children's Inn, and Children's Home Society. Their experiences at the Butterfly House & Aquarium are educational, relaxing, and a fun part of their day which they otherwise couldn't afford.
A $500 donation to the Butterfly House & Aquarium could help to bring the Sea Bus mobile aquarium to one community event like RiverFest or the Levitt. To take out our Ocean in Motion experience, we need to prepare and transport 100 gallons of saltwater and 6 seastars along with educational materials. Three staff members travel to events to provide the ocean education opportunities, including our educator and two aquarists.
A $1000 donation to the Butterfly House & Aquarium could help to cover the costs of one shipment of butterflies. The Butterfly House & Aquarium receives one to three shipments per week from butterfly farms around the world. Since butterflies live 2 to 4 weeks, we are constantly receiving and releasing new butterflies to maintain a population of about 800 butterflies in the conservatory.
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