There's still time to give!
FUND A NEEDReach back and relive this inspirational morning of yoga!
Perfect your Happy Baby pose, share with fellow yogis and watch the broadcast again!
Gather with Good Intentions
On September 18, Grace Cathedral hosts its ninth annual Yoga for Change, this year online and in-person, to benefit The Community Preschool. We invite our community of socially-minded supporters to join together for a morning of yoga led by beloved Yoga on the Labyrinth teacher Darren Main to support this vital and transformative early childhood education. Namaste.
Class starts at 10am, roll out your mat at 9:15am!
Schedule of Events
September 10th
- 10am - Auction Opens
September 18th
- 9:15am - Doors Open
- 10am - Opening Prayer with Dean Malcolm Young and Class Begins
- 11am - Closing Prayer with the Rev. Canon Jude Harmon
September 20th
- 12pm - Auction Closes
The Community Preschool
The Community Preschool's intentional socio-economic diversity brings together children and families that represent a multitude of identities in the goal of validating and respecting all of the intersectionalities present within this special community of San Francisco. It is an extraordinary early childhood program that prepares children not just for kindergarten success, but for life itself.
Learn how The Community Preschool puts families first:
Meet the Instructors and Musician!
Yoga for Change brings in amazing instructors, Yvonne Kingsley and Darren Main, and musician, Nat Kendall, who are all established yogis in the Bay Area and beyond.
We welcome item donations!
Donate an Item NowDonate Now
The Community Preschool depends on you to serve the youngest members of our Grace Cathedral community.
Proceeds support student financial aid, teacher training seminars, meals and activities and the ongoing costs of cleaning supplies, personal protective equipment and individualized instructional materials.
Thank you to our generous Yoga for Change sponsors. Your gift supports this vital and transformative early childhood education!
Warrior Sponsor
Aetos Alternatives Management
Episcopal Impact Fund
Charles and Sharon Wienbar
Hero Sponsor
Ann Schmitt
Eagle Sponsor
Patricia Calfee Picache and Ian Picache
Bridget Maley-Cannon and David Cannon
Cathedral School for Boys
Bridge Sponsors
Christine Bensen and Grant McDougall
Rita Blackmon
Stuart Burden
Lori and Kevin Coleman
Kay Sprinkel Grace
Catherine Griffin
Herbert L. Jeong
John Poynter and Gary Jennings
Mike Scheu and Sloat Van Winkle
Jeff and Katherine Thompson
Patrick Thompson
Brigitta and Mark Whiting