Our Wine Partner Our Dinner Partner Adolf's Old First Ward Tavern Amherst Insurance Agency Inc MIKE & MAUREEN OVERDORF `84 Brian Seifert `88 Chuck Lannon `66 Thank You to the Brunch Bunch!


We are so grateful for our sponsors, our family and friends that purchased event tickets and raffle tickets! Our event was a resounding success and the monies raised will go directly to help the students of Bishop Timon - St. Jude High School. 

This year's Kaleidoscope put the Timon spirit in action, showing off to the larger business community that our school and our Franciscan mission of brotherhood, service, and community is worthy of investment. We brought our students into your homes and hopefully gave you a better understanding of who we are. 

Through the Fr. Joel A. Campbell, OFM Memorial Scholarship, we are able to provide our students with an opportunity to become men of character who become our community's cultural first-responders. The investment our community makes in Timon, we turn back into the community with every graduate who is a man steeped in the Timon Franciscan tradition and knows that it is in giving of ourselves that we receive.

We thank you for your support and appreciate you supporting our virtual event.

If you were unable to attend or support - 

We are still accepting donations towards our goal until the end of this week! 

Donate Now

Please help us prepare our next community leaders. The Timon men of today, will be tomorrow's business leaders, doctors, firemen, bankers, lawyers and police officers. Each doing work in their community with a humble and kind Franciscan heart.

Make a Gift Today. Change a Life Forever.

$250,000 Goal


Total Raised


Bishop Timon-St Jude High School

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