Please join us
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Cocktails at 6:30 in the evening
Dinner at 7:30 in the evening

Texas Woman's University

Hubbard Hall
301 Administration Drive
Denton, Texas

Ball and Raffle Tickets

Auction Open Now!


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No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.

How Bidding Works
Single Bid v Autobid
A single bid can be placed as a one-time bid for any amount. An autobid can be placed and set at the maximum amount you are willing to spend. With autobid, our system will place your bid at the minimum amount needed to lead. When you are outbid, our system will bid automatically for you until your maximum is reached.

Who wins?
When two bids are placed for the same amount, the bid placed first based on the timestamp wins. Timestamps are set when the initial bid is placed, for autobids this is when a maximum was set not when the system prompted the bid to win.

Why are there bids with the same amount?

We list competing bids of the same amount to indicate what prompted an autobid to be placed. Otherwise, it would be unclear as to why an autobid was increased.

 For Example, Item 100 has a current amount of $100 and a bid increment of $50. John placed an autobid at 7:00 pm with a maximum amount of $200. John is winning at $150. Jill placed a bid for $200 at 7:30 pm. John's bid is increased to $200 by our system. John wins because he committed to the amount earlier than Jill. The list shows both John and Jill at $200 so we can see what prompted John's bid to increase. 

Self Checkout

1.   Visit the Page page at the top of the screen.

2.   Review the purchase summary.

3.   Enter a credit card or use the one on file.

4.   Click Pay.

5. A red "Paid" stamp appears once payment is secured.

6.   Show the Pay stamp to a volunteer assisting with item redemption.

 If you need assistance checking out, please contact us, and we can complete your transaction.

Hosted By

Denton Benefit League


Denton, TX, USA

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