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You can still participate in the auction!A human-canine relationship built to save two lives!
Operation Freedom Paws has been honored to serve and work with over 434 individuals, 2,140 family members and 375 dogs
We empower veterans, first responders, children and non-veterans with disabilities to restore their freedom of life by teaching them to train a rescued dog for their specific disabilities and certifying them as service dogs teams.
Support one of our Champion Teams!
Donna's Awesome Friends & FamilyTeam GervaisFamily Pet Care BulldogsTeam Duke
"Out of the Dark" HEAL! A project by Vicki Topaz
"Pay Attention To Me Now" HEAL! A project by Vicki Topaz
Operation Freedom Paws
Operation Freedom PawsQuestions? Please contact Operation Freedom Paws Marketing
Thank you to the volunteers and companies who dedicated their time and resources to make this event happen!
Joe and Alison Sharino
Hosts: KBAY's Jona Denz-Hamilton & Gilroy's Own Mark Turner
Vicki Topaz - Heal! -
Sandro Costa, Sound Production -
Dan McFarren, Video Production - Brokensine Productions
David Campbell, Video Production - Motivational Misfits