Art of PAWS is Presented by Purina: People & Pets Are Better Together! Every year ArtMart generously donates canvases to all of our artists.

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Our 15th Annual Art of PAWS Features Works By:

Ben Anderson, Jeanna Anderson, Will Angermann, Cbabi Bayoc, Michael Burmesch, Carolyn Bifano, Allison Bruenger, Kelly Burris, Josie Cammarata, Tielere Cheatem, Adam Cook, Joe Dil, Neil Fitzpatrick, Ash Forrest, Zac Frost, Julie Gantner, Brian Grapperhaus, Shannen Green, Kelsey Harrison, Bob Hartzell, Kyle Heikkila, Terry Hinkle, Mark Hollander, Theresa Hopkins, Jennifer Isenhart, Janessa Jenkins, Alex Johnmeyer, Kristin Juliette-Stege, Aunia Kahn, Bill Kambol, Jeff Kapfer, Marissa Keating, Tim Kent-Moore, Ji-Woo Kim, Justin King, Ken Konchel, Connie LaFlam, Paul LaFlam, Jane Linders, Julie Malone, Sophie Malone, Erin McGrath Rieke, Becky Morgan, April Morrison, Chris Mouser, Brian Murphy, Zoe Nicholson, Carmelita Nunez, Nelson Perez, Maribel Ramirez, Jasmine Raskas, Michelle Rigell, Andrew Rola, Cindy Royal, Adam Sampson, Cat Sandus, Eric Schoolcraft, Laura Schlatter, Josh Svoboda, Mark Swain, Maxine Thirteen, Laura Thomson, JT Walls & Mike Wells.

A sincere thank you to all of the artists for their generous support!

$25000.0 Goal


Total Raised

Hosted By

Vivent Health
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