Rita 7673 x Enhance Embryos
$800Rita 7673 x Enhance Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
SydGen Enhance
AAA 18170041
EXAR Rita 7673
AAA 18691656
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7673
2. SydGen

Erica 4681 x Enhance Embryos
$350Erica 4681 x Enhance Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
SydGen Enhance
AAA 18170041
EXAR Erica 4681
AAA 17897079
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 4681
2. SydGen

Pride 7109 x Enhance Embryos
$450Henrietta Pride 7109 x Enhance Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
SydGen Enhance
AAA 18170041
EXAR Henrietta Pride 7109
AAA 18711898
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. SydGen
2. Sitz Henrietta Pride 285U- Foundation Dam

Blackfoot 7037 x Enhance
$300Mis Blackfoot 7037 x Enhance Embryos
5 Conventional Embryos
SydGen Enhance
AAA 18170041
EXAR Miss Blackfoot 7037
AAA 18687658
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7037
2. SydGen

Royal Queen 6493 x Enhance
$250Royal Queen 6493 x Enhance Embryos
5 Conventional Embryos
SydGen Enhance
AAA 18170041
S A Royal Queen 6493
AAA 18780684
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. SydGen

Rita 7008 x Plus One Embryos
$550Rita 7008 x Plus One Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
E&B Plus One
AAA 19196960
Pollard Rita 7008
AAA 18754480
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. E&B Plus One
2. EXAR Rita U049-Foundation Dam

Pride 7089 x Plus One
$400Henrietta Pride 7089 x Plus One Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
E&B Plus One
AAA 19196960
EXAR Henrietta Pride 7089
AAA 18740107
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. E&B Plus One
2. Sitz Henrietta Pride 285U- Foundation Dam

Queen 7306 x Plus One
$250Queen 7306 x Plus One Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
E&B Plus One
AAA 19196960
Zebo Queen 7306
AAA 18834148
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. Zebo - 7306
2. E&B Plus One

Fanny 6599 x Plus One
$500Fanny 6599 x Plus One Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
E&B Plus One
AAA 19196960
Spruce Mtn Fanny 6599
AAA 18792594
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. E&B Plus One
2. 2 Bar Mile High 9360- Foundation Dam

Erica 4681 x Plus One
$400Erica 4681 x Plus One Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
E&B Plus One
AAA 19196960
EXAR Erica 4681
AAA 17897079
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 4681
2. E&B Plus One

Rita 0896 x Stallion
$500Rita 0896 x Stallion Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Stallion 7986
AAA 18567879
EXAR Rita 0896
AAA 18737557
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 0896
2. Stallion

Pride 7089 x Stallion
$250Henrietta Pride 7089 x Stallion Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Stallion 7986
AAA 18567879
EXAR Henrietta Pride 7089
AAA 18740107
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. Stallion 7986
2. Sitz Henrietta Pride 285U- Foundation Dam

Lucy 5997 x Stallion
$300Lucy 5997 x Stallion Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Stallion 7986
AAA 18567879
EXAR Lucy 5997
AAA 18069316
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 5997
2. Stallion

Chloe 7021 x Stallion
$300Chloe 7021 x Stallion Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Stallion 7986
AAA 18567879
EXAR Chloe 7021
AAA 18685605
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7021
2. Stallion

Rita 7323 x Stallion
$300Rita 7323 x Stallion Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Stallion 7986
AAA 18567879
EXAR Rita 7323
AAA 18704762
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7323
2. Stallion

Elba 7041 x Stallion
$500Elba 7041 x Stallion Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Stallion 7986
AAA 18567879
EXAR Elba 7041
AAA 18698674
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7041
2. Stallion

Rita 7008 x Stallion
$350Rita 7008 x Stallion Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Stallion 7986
AAA 18567879
Pollard Rita 7008
AAA 18754480
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. Stallion
2. EXAR Rita U049-Foundation Dam

Blackbird 7310 x Stallion
$350Blackbird 7310 x Stallion Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Stallion 7986
AAA 18567879
EXAR Blackbird 7310
AAA 18706933
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7310
2. Stallion

Blackcap 5915 x Stallion
$250Blackcap 5915 x Stallion Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Stallion 7986
AAA 18567879
RMRK/GBCC Blackcap 5915
AAA 18380944
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. Stallion

Rita 0896 x Superior
$350Rita 0896 x Superior Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Superior
AAA 19036532
EXAR Rita 0896
AAA 18737557
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 0896
2. Superior

Blackcap Lady 7820 x Superior
$250Blackcap Lady 7820 x Superior Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Superior
AAA 19036532
EXAR Blackcap Lady 7820
AAA 18795673
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7820
2. Superior

Rita 7008 x Fireball
$400Rita 7008 x Fireball Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
GB Fireball 672
AAA 18690054
Pollard Rita 7008
AAA 18754480
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. Fireball
2. EXAR Rita U049-Foundation Dam

Monumental's Dam x Prophet
$400Monumental's Dam x Prophet K243 Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
G A R Prophet K243
AAA 17799488
FWY 7008 of C085 4029
AAA 17799315
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. G A R Prophet K243
2. Maternal Sib- EXAR Monumental 6056B

Lucy 5997 x Monumental
$300Lucy 5997 x Monumental Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Monumental 6056B
AAA 18379347
EXAR Lucy 5997
AAA 18069316
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 5997
2. Monumental

Rita 6258 x Monumental
$250Rita 6258 x Monumental Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Monumental 6056B
AAA 18379347
Deer Valley Rita 6258
AAA 18547514
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. Monumental

Erica 4681 x Monumental
$250Erica 4681 x Monumental Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Monumental 6056B
AAA 18379347
EXAR Erica 4681
AAA 17897079
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 4681
2. Monumental

Blackbird 7310 x Monumental
$250Blackbird 7310 x Monumental Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Monumental 6056B
AAA 18379347
EXAR Blackbird 7310
AAA 18706933
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7310
2. Monumental

Rita 7008 x Guru
$300Rita 7008 x Guru Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Guru 8719B
AAA 19066319
Pollard Rita 7008
AAA 18754480
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
2. EXAR Rita U049-Foundation Dam

Elba 7041 x Guru
$300Elba 7041 x Guru Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Guru 8719B
AAA 19066319
EXAR Elba 7041
AAA 18698674
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7041
2. Guru

Elba 7026 x Guru
$300Elba 7026 x Guru Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Guru 8719B
AAA 19066319
Spruce Mtn Elba 7026
AAA 18712515
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7026
2. Guru

Erica 7088 x Guru
$250Erica 7088 x Guru Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Guru 8719B
AAA 19066319
EXAR Erica 7088
AAA 18740106
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 7088
2. Guru

Blackcap 3420 x Dry Valley
$400Blackcap 3420 x Dry Valley Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
Connealy Dry Valley
AAA 18533906
V A R Blackcap 3420
AAA 17607664
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 3420
2. Connealy Dry Valley

Pride 5011 x Dry Valley
$350Henrietta Pride 5011 x Dry Valley Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
Connealy Dry Valley
AAA 18533906
EXAR Henrietta Pride 5011
AAA 18036840
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 5011
2. Connealy Dry Valley
3. Sitz Henrietta Pride 285U- Foundation Dam

Blackcap 3805 x Southern Charm
$400Blackcap 3805 x Southern Charm Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
BUBS Southern Charm AA31
AAA 17853196
EXAR Blackcap 3805
AAA 18389537
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. Southern Charm

Blackcap 6046 x Hi-Tech
$175Blackcap 6046 x Hi-Tech Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Hi-Tech 4769B
AAA 17765302
EXAR Blackcap 6046
AAA 18414189
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. Hi-Tech

Lucy 5735 x Spread
$175Lucy 5735 x Spread Embryos
5 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Spread 5767B
AAA 18098880
EXAR Lucy 5735
AAA 18096728
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 5735
2. EXAR Spread 5767B

2236 x Spread
$2002236 x Spread Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Spread 5767B
AAA 18098880
PF 745 Retail Product 2236
AAA 17203456
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 2236
2. EXAR Spread 5767B

Lucy 0901 x Big League
$225Lucy 0901 x Big League Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
Stevenson Big League 70749
AAA 18836113
EXAR Lucy 0901
AAA 16654098
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. Big League

Rita 6992 x Expo
$200Rita 6992 x Expo Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Expo 7760B
AAA 18717794
EXAR Rita 6992
AAA 18546058
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 6992
2. EXAR Expo 7760B

Princess 2621 x Rapture
$175Princess 2621 x Rapture Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Rapture 5844B
AAA 18116133
EXAR Princess 2621
AAA 17296897
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 2621
2. EXAR Rapture 5844B

Royal Lass 3964 x Rapture
$175Royal Lass 3964 x Rapture Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Rapture 5844B
AAA 18116133
EXAR Royal Lass 3964
AAA 17639748
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 3964
2. EXAR Rapture 5844B
3. Full Brother to Dam of Embryos- EXAR Denver 2002B

Joy 6278 x Stud Embryos
$175Joy 6278 x Stud Embryos
5 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Stud 4658B
AAA 17908266
Basin Joy 6278
AAA 16049788
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 6278
2. Stud

Blackcap 2640 x Rampage
$175Blackcap 2640 x Rampage Embryos
2 Conventional Embryos
Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36
AAA 16925771
Jacs Blackcap 2640
AAA 17538040
Purchase Price is your bid x 2
Express Ranches will guarantee 1 pregnancy if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. Rampage

Pride 4817 x Hard Rock
$300Henrietta Pride 4817 x Hard Rock Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
Connealy Hard Rock 6621
AAA 18533917
EXAR Henrietta Pride 4817
AAA 17786985
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 4817
2. Hard Rock

Blackcap 5203 x Hard Rock
$200Blackcap 5203 x Hard Rock Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
Connealy Hard Rock 6621
AAA 18533917
Crazy K Blackcap 5203
AAA 18267904
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 5203
2. Hard Rock

Penny 4759 x Roundtable
$300Penny 4759 x Roundtable Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
S&R Roundtable J328
AAA 17573679
EXAR Penny 4759
AAA 17772401
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 4759
2. Roundtable

Penny 4759 x Express 7211
$500Penny 4759 x Express 7211 Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
Conley Express 7211
AAA 18941522
EXAR Penny 4759
AAA 17772401
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 4759
2. Express 7211

Winnie 1037 x Express 7211
$700Winnie 1037 x Express 7211 Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
Conley Express 7211
AAA 18941522
EXAR Winnie 1037
AAA 18685563
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 1037
2. Express 7211

Frontier Gal 6833 x Rock Star
$450Frontier Gal 6833 x Rock Star Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
EXAR Rock Star 7844B
AAA 18795687
EXAR Frontier Gal 6833
AAA 18499599
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Express Ranches will guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 6833
2. Rock Star

1703 x First Impression
$200Blackcap 1703 x First Impression Embryos
3 Conventional Embryos
Dameron First Impression
AAA 16761727
EXAR Blackcap 1703
AAA 16832675
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
Express Ranches will guarantee 1 pregnancy if put in by certified technician.
Embryos are located at ORIgen, Huntley, MT and buyer can contact ORIgen at 1-866-867-4436 to arrange delivery following payment.
1. 1703
2. First Impression

Dameron First Class
$7,0001 Unit of Dameron First Class
AAA 16175085
Purchase Price is your bid x 1
Semen is Located at TransOva or Express Ranches. Buyer can Contact Mark Squires (405-350-0044) at Express Ranches to arrange delivery following payment.

Dameron First Class
$6,7501 Unit of Dameron First Class
AAA 16175085
Purchase Price is your bid x 1
Semen is Located at TransOva or Express Ranches. Buyer can Contact Mark Squires (405-350-0044) at Express Ranches to arrange delivery following payment.

EXAR Lutton 1831
$6003 Units of EXAR Lutton 1831
AAA 14035047
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
Buyer can Contact Mark Squires (405-350-0044) at Express Ranches to arrange delivery following payment.

EXAR Classen 1422B
$2753 Units of EXAR Classen 1422B
AAA 16915162
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
Buyer can Contact Mark Squires (405-350-0044) at Express Ranches to arrange delivery following payment.

EXAR Classen 1422B
$2753 Units of EXAR Classen 1422B
AAA 16915162
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
Buyer can Contact Mark Squires (405-350-0044) at Express Ranches to arrange delivery following payment.

EXAR Classen 1422B
$2753 Units of EXAR Classen 1422B
AAA 16915162
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
Buyer can Contact Mark Squires (405-350-0044) at Express Ranches to arrange delivery following payment.