BLAZE 8818
$13,750H MS BLAZE 8818 ET
AHA 43972074
DOB: 08/08/2018
SIRE: Golden Oak Outcross 18U
DAM: ABC MS 337 H Blaze 3016
These Outcross daughters are timeless. This could be as good as any Outcross daughter we have ever sold. She offers a very unique pedigree on the bottom side as well. This heifer has been a favorite to many that have stopped in.

BLAZE 8829
$2,750H MS BLAZE 8829 ET
AHA 43972079
DOB: 08/12/2018
SIRE: Golden Oak Outcross 18U
DAM: ABC MS 337 H Blaze 3016
This heifer has it all. length, power, quality, structural soundness and an outcross pedigree. You can mate this heifer to almost any popular bull in the breed.

$13,000H GO MS SENSATION 8714
AHA P43999972
DOB: 08/22/2018
SIRE: LCX Perfecto 11B ET
DAM: GO MS Sensation B3
She is absolutely flawless in terms of design, look and structure. She is upheaded, bold sprung, wide pinned and perfect on her feet and legs. 8714 is one of the very neat heifers that we have ever offered. Her dam is an up and comer in our donor program.

KELLY 8827
$3,000H WMS KELLY 8827 ET
AHA P43974869
DOB: 08/12/2018
SIRE: BEHM 100W Cuda 504C
DAM: CRR 109 KELLY 303
This is one of my very favorite heifers in the offering. This is a true performance female that is the kind that can mass produce elite performance cattle that still have show ring quality. She is a definite sale highlight.

KELLY 8822
$2,750H WMS KELLY 8822 ET
AHA P43974865
DOB: 08/08/2018
SIRE: BEHM 100W Cuda 504C
DAM: CRR 109 KELLY 303
8822 is a very unique female that has brood cow written all over her. The interesting thing about this heifer is she has such a unique proven pedigree that is full of performance and carcass quality however she is very pleasing to the eye.

KELLY 8819
$2,750H WMS MS KELLY 8819
AHA P43974864
DOB: 08/08/2018
SIRE: BEHM 100W Cuda 504C
DAM: CRR 109 KELLY 303
This is a true high performing heifer that is dark colored and marked extremely well. She has good pigment, pedigree and performance. She could make a donor for almost anyone in the breed.

AHA 43990474
DOB: 6/10/2018
SIRE: UPS Sensation 2296 ET
DAM: DEP U GO Girl 125 ET
This heifer came from the Vickland family. Patty has done an excellent job of buying some of the very elite females in the breed, not only from a show standpoint but proven cow family's. This heifer will show in an odd division but could be a contender at any level. She has the very best female making sires in her pedigree that we have ever used (#2296, #L18 and Outcross) not to mention this heifer is very fault free and hard to knock a hole in.

$3,750EXR KEEPSAKE 8437
AHA P43958538
DOB: 9/28/2018
SIRE: UPS Sensation 2296 ET
DAM: Boyd 40U Keepsake 4172 ET
This heifer was purchased along side her dam in the fall Express Ranch Hereford Female sale. She was just a baby, but you could see the quality in this female. She is one of the very, very best in the sale offering. She has an outstanding performance pedigree with extra quality.

$3,000H KIMBERLY 8641 ET
AHA P43972045
DOB: 08/08/2018
SIRE: H/TSR/CHEZ Full Throttle ET
DAM: UCC 6160 Kimberly 8001 ET
This is a very stunning heifer. She had a full sister sell for $110,000 in our fall female sale. That heifer was made perfect however she was little stiff in her hawk and that kept her from winning big, but I would call this heifer perfect on the move. In fact that is when she looks her best. She is upheaded, clean necked, has a nice sweep to her belly and is very correct in her lines.

$4,750H MS ADVANCE 8728
AHA 43972053
DOB: 08/23/2018
SIRE: LCX Perfecto 11B ET
DAM: H SM MS 7135 Advance 4432 ET
This heifer is very green in her kind but has all the pieces to be an exceptional show heifer and should go on to make a great cow. Try not to overlook this heifer as she is one of the true sleepers in the offering.

$2,500H GM MELISSA 8708
AHA P43972051
DOB: 08/21/2018
SIRE: MCR Flint Hills 10Y 5100 ET
DAM: H KH DD Melissa May 249 ET
The dam of this female is exceptional. This heifer calf is very green like all the fall calves born on our ranch are. Our fall calves get no creep and no extra's throughout our winter. This heifer's best days are ahead of her.

$4,000H HL SWEET GIRL 1821
AHA 43961073
DOB: 08/11/2018
SIRE: H WR Perfect Timing 3069
DAM: BAR1 2059 Sweet Girl B4
This is a long, extended made female that is very clean through her front third and has plenty to her. She has a lot of strength in terms of pedigree and overall quality. This heifer comes from the Harrison family in California. I feel that the best overall evaluator that comes to our bull and heifer sales every year is Will Harrison. If he sends females out here, you know it won't be a waste of your time.

$2,750H HL CATAPULT 1826
AHA P44003249
DOB: 10/22/2018
SIRE: CRR 109 Catapult 322
DAM: H MS Advanced 5610 ET
The youngest heifer in the offering that has as much future as any. She has tons of pedigree value and goes back to the immortal #5139 cow. Don't overlook this youthful superstar.

Forever Lady 1822
$6,000Hoffman HL Forever Lady 1822
AAA 19405547
DOB: 9/4/2018
SIRE: PVF Insight 0129
DAM: RW Forever Lady 506
1822 is perfect in her design, structure, rib and hip. This heifer is so complete and unbelievable to look at. You cannot pick a hole in this heifer.

Forever Lady 1823
$8,250Hoffman HL Forever Lady 1823
AAA 19405548
DOB: 9/4/2018
SIRE: PVF Insight 0129
DAM: RW Forever Lady 506
This is the type of female that wins at a national level. She has a lot of gas for the long haul. She is upheaded, clean necked and deep sided. Furthermore, this heifer is wide pinned and I give her an A+ in terms of her feet and legs. We have had a lot of recent success with Angus show heifers and this is the type that get's it done.

Kelly 661 x DeBerard Embryos
$1,600CRR 109 Kelly 661 ET Embryos
3 Conventional embryos sired by H DeBerard 7454 ET
CRR 109 Kelly 661 ET
H DeBerard 7454 ET
A past Denver Reserve Champion female crossed with what appears to be as good of a breeding bull as the breed has seen in quite some time.
Guarantee 1 pregnance if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
1. Dam - 661
2. Sire - Deberard

850 x Montgomery Embryos
$1,000Vin-Mar Mallory 850 Embryos
4 Conventional embryos sired by H Montgomery 7437 ET
Vin-Mar Mallory 850
H Montgomery 7437 ET
These would be ¾ sibs to the 2018 JNHE Champion Female. The Montgomery calves have a tremendous amount of balance, eye appeal.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam - 850
2. Sire - Montgomery

850 x Sustainable Embryos
$500Vin-Mar Mallory 850 Embryos
4 Conventional embryos sired by H WR Sustainable 5511 ET
Vin-Mar Mallory 850
H WR Sustainable 5511 ET
This mating has tons of power, mass and volume with added look. This is the dam of the 2018 Junior National Champion Female. This is the sire to the 2018 Reno Champion female.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam - 850
2. Sire - Sustainable

2733Z x Catapult Embryos
$350CHEZ TR Miss Outcross 2733Z Embryos
3 Conventional embryos sired by CRR 719 Catapult 109
CHEZ TR Miss Outcross 2733Z
CRR 719 Catapult 109
This is an own daughter of Sweet Red Wine out of the immortal Outcross. This is a fantastic opportunity with pedigree strength.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
1. Dam of 2733Z
2. Sire - 109

Kelly 303 Embryos
$350CRR 109 Kelly 303 Embryos
3 Conventional embryos sired by TH 223 71I Victor 755T
1 Conventional embryo sired by H Justify 7460
CRR 109 Kelly 303
TH 223 71I Victor 755T
H Justify 7460
Kelly 303 had a great show record but has gone on to produce a lot of dollars in progeny. She has had heifer calves sell as high as $70,000. She most recently had a 27A son sell for $20,000 in our February bull sale.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. 303
2. Sire - 755T
3. Sire - Justify

303A x Hometown Embryos
$500H CHEZ TR Chardonnay 303A Embryos
2 Conventional embryos sired by NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y
H CHEZ TR Chardonnay 303A
NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y
She is past Junior National Champion that is really getting used harder in our ET program. This mating lines up a lot of the great females and sires in the breed.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 2
1. Dam - 303A
2. Sire - 10Y

1181 x Domino Embryos
$750HH Miss Advance 1181 ET Embryos
3 Conventional embryos sired by CL 1 Domino 7131
HH Miss Advance 1181 ET
CL 1 Domino 7131
This is the highest quality, straight Line One mating Hoffman Ranch has ever put together. 7131 is outbreeding the goals we had set for him as the progeny is much stouter and more eye appealing than anticipated.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
1. Dam - 1181
2. Sire - 7131

1181 x Domino Embryos
$750HH Miss Advance 1181 ET Embryos
3 Conventional embryos sired by CL 1 Domino 7131
HH Miss Advance 1181 ET
CL 1 Domino 7131
This is the highest quality, straight Line One mating Hoffman Ranch has ever put together. 7131 is outbreeding the goals we had set for him as the progeny is much stouter and more eye appealing than anticipated.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
1. Dam - 1181
2. Sire - 7131

1010Y x Domino 0945 Embryos
$300HH Miss Advance 1010Y Embryos
3 Conventional embryos sired by LJS Mark Domino 0945
HH Miss Advance 1010Y
LJS Mark Domino 0945
She is super star of a cow who has tremendous figures and lots of substance, mass and quality?combined with a proven track record.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
1. Dam - 1010
2. Sire - 0945

1079Y x 10Y Embryos
$250HH Miss Advance 1079Y Embryos
3 Conventional embryos sired by NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y
HH Miss Advance 1079Y
NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y
An outstanding female in terms of phenotype and udder quality. Visually she is one of the better Line One cows that we have purchased.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
1. Dam 1079Y
2. Sire - 10Y

PRCS 690K x 10Y Embryos
$200GB L1 Dom PRCS 690K Embryos
3 Conventional embryos sired by NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y
GB L1 Dom PRCS 690K
NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y
This is the mother of GB L One Domino 177R.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
1. Dam 690K
2. Sire 10Y

Dream 6322 x 708 PVF Embryos
$400Silverias Sara's Dream 6322 Embryos
4 Conventional embryos sired by WB Pendleton 708 PVF SWSN
Silverias Sara's Dream 6322
WB Pendleton 708 PVF SWSN
These are unbelievable blood lines that cross extremely well.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam
2. Sire

Dream 6322 x Tradition Embryos
$450Silverias Sara's Dream 6322 Embryos
4 Conventional embryos sired by SCC Tradition of 24
Silverias Sara's Dream 6322
SCC Tradition of 24
This was a Reserve National Champion female at the Denver Stock Show mated with a past Denver Champion bull. It's a unique pedigree that will be second to none for outstanding show cattle.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam
2. Sire

5026 x 708 PVF Embryos
$300Hoffman Barbaramere 5026 Embryos
4 Conventional embryos sired by WB Pendleton 708 PVF SWSN
Hoffman Barbaramere 5026
WB Pendleton 708 PVF SWSN
This is one of our favorite donors matched with the reigning Denver Champion bull.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam 5026
2. Sire

5026 x Growth Fund Embryos
$250Hoffman Barbaramere 5026 Embryos
4 Conventional embryos sired by Der Valley Growth Fund
Hoffman Barbaramere 5026
Der Valley Growth Fund
This is an outstanding cow that you will see a lot of in our program. Her dam X23 is phenotypically the highest quality cow that came out of the Sitz fall calving herd. This is a true performance mating that should transmit outstanding quality both on papers and to the eye.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam 5026
2. Sire

Sexed Empress 770 x Style
$400B/R Black Cap Empress 770 Embryos
4 Sexed Female embryos sired by Silverias Style 9303
B/R Black Cap Empress 770
Silverias Style 9303
This is a true performance cow that has the look of a show female. She is from a tremendous cow family from Rishel Angus. This mating could really work for extremely eye appealing Angus females.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam
2. Sire

Sexed Empress 770 x Style
$350B/R Black Cap Empress 770 Embryos
4 Sexed Female embryos sired by Silverias Style 9303
B/R Black Cap Empress 770
Silverias Style 9303
This is a true performance cow that has the look of a show female. She is from a tremendous cow family from Rishel Angus. This mating could really work for extremely eye appealing Angus females.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam
2. Sire

4530 x Inauguration Embryos
$300PF 7024 Ever Entense 4530 Embryos
4 Conventional embryos sired by PVF Inauguration 6174
PF 7024 Ever Entense 4530
PVF Inauguration 6174
This beautifully designed Lookout daughter is flawless on the profile yet has power and substance. This mating to the ever-popular First Class son PVF Inauguration will be something to see!
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam
2. Sire

342U x Top Shelf Embryos
$200Sitz Blackcap 342U Embryos
4 Conventional embryos sired by Ellingson Top Shelf 5050
Sitz Blackcap 342U
Ellingson Top Shelf 5050
One of the very elite females to come out of the Sitz program. This donor dam currently has a full sib to these embryos nursing her that is one of our favorite 2019 born calves. The Top Shelf daughters are outstanding in production.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam
2. Sire

X14 x Bomber Embryos
$300Sitz Pride X14 Embryos
4 Conventional embryos sired by Casino Bomber N33
Sitz Pride X14
Casino Bomber N33
This is a great all-around cow who has had both sons and daughters sell at the front end of our sales, coupled with the $190,000 Bomber?who is breeding very true to everybody's expectations.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam
2. Sire

Y2 x Bomber Embryos
$600Sitz Henrietta Pride Y2 Embryos
4 Conventional embryos sired by Casino Bomber N33
Sitz Henrietta Pride Y2
Casino Bomber N33
People know that we are not afraid to offer our best genetics. This mating proves that. This cow is not only out of the Henrietta Pride cow family, but she also is a favorite here at the ranch. Bomber needs no more introduction as he is proving the breed true.
Guarantee 1 pregnancey if put in by a certified embryologist
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
1. Dam
2. Sire

Profit 8426
$100H The Profit 8426 ET
10 Conventional Straws
The Profit was the favorite of many people in our 2019 bull sale. He sold to Buck Cattle Co.. Out of all the great bulls that 54B has produced, this bull leads the pack in terms of look, design and tremendous spread of EPD's. There will be very limited semen sold on this bull this spring?so this is a very unique opportunity to get a head start.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
1. Dam
2. Sire

Profit 8426
$100H The Profit 8426 ET
10 Conventional Straws
The Profit was the favorite of many people in our 2019 bull sale. He sold to Buck Cattle Co.. Out of all the great bulls that 54B has produced, this bull leads the pack in terms of look, design and tremendous spread of EPD's. There will be very limited semen sold on this bull this spring?so this is a very unique opportunity to get a head start.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
1. Dam
2. Sire

Profit 8426
$100H The Profit 8426 ET
10 Conventional Straws
The Profit was the favorite of many people in our 2019 bull sale. He sold to Buck Cattle Co.. Out of all the great bulls that 54B has produced, this bull leads the pack in terms of look, design and tremendous spread of EPD's. There will be very limited semen sold on this bull this spring?so this is a very unique opportunity to get a head start.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
1. Dam
2. Sire

Profit 8426
$90H The Profit 8426 ET
10 Conventional Straws
The Profit was the favorite of many people in our 2019 bull sale. He sold to Buck Cattle Co.. Out of all the great bulls that 54B has produced, this bull leads the pack in terms of look, design and tremendous spread of EPD's. There will be very limited semen sold on this bull this spring?so this is a very unique opportunity to get a head start.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
1. Dam
2. Sire

Domino 7131E 1
$120CL 1 Domino 7131E 1 ET
5 Conventional Straws
7131 was our $170,000 pick from Cooper Herefords. This bull is breeding more power and look than what we expected. Along with extra pigment, length and structural correctness. He is the most unique Line One bull we have ever used. It is obvious he will be able to produce both bulls and females.
Semen is located at Genex/ Hawkeye West in Billings, MT.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

Domino 7131E 1
$120CL 1 Domino 7131E 1 ET
5 Conventional Straws
7131 was our $170,000 pick from Cooper Herefords. This bull is breeding more power and look than what we expected. Along with extra pigment, length and structural correctness. He is the most unique Line One bull we have ever used. It is obvious he will be able to produce both bulls and females.
Semen is located at Genex/ Hawkeye West in Billings, MT.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

Domino 7131E 1
$130CL 1 Domino 7131E 1 ET
5 Conventional Straws
7131 was our $170,000 pick from Cooper Herefords. This bull is breeding more power and look than what we expected. Along with extra pigment, length and structural correctness. He is the most unique Line One bull we have ever used. It is obvious he will be able to produce both bulls and females.
Semen is located at Genex/ Hawkeye West in Billings, MT.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

Domino 7131E 1
$130CL 1 Domino 7131E 1 ET
5 Conventional Straws
7131 was our $170,000 pick from Cooper Herefords. This bull is breeding more power and look than what we expected. Along with extra pigment, length and structural correctness. He is the most unique Line One bull we have ever used. It is obvious he will be able to produce both bulls and females.
Semen is located at Genex/ Hawkeye West in Billings, MT.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

Sexed Montgomery
$280H Montgomery
2 Sexed Female Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Sexed semen is located at TransOva Genetics in Iowa.
Purchase Price is your bid x 2

Sexed Montgomery
$280H Montgomery
2 Sexed Female Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Sexed semen is located at TransOva Genetics in Iowa.
Purchase Price is your bid x 2

Sexed Montgomery
$270H Montgomery
2 Sexed Female Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Sexed semen is located at TransOva Genetics in Iowa.
Purchase Price is your bid x 2

Sexed Montgomery
$270H Montgomery
2 Sexed Female Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Sexed semen is located at TransOva Genetics in Iowa.
Purchase Price is your bid x 2

Sexed Montgomery
$270H Montgomery
2 Sexed Female Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Sexed semen is located at TransOva Genetics in Iowa.
Purchase Price is your bid x 2

$120H Montgomery
5 Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$110H Montgomery
5 Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$120H Montgomery
5 Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$110H Montgomery
5 Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$110H Montgomery
5 Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$110H Montgomery
5 Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$110H Montgomery
5 Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$110H Montgomery
5 Straws
Montgomery has had just as many fans as DeBerard, his full brother, this past year. The calf reports are very favorable and this bull needs used heavily when the opportunity arises.
Semen is located at 605 Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$105LCX Perfecto 11B ET
5 Straws
Perfecto has surfaced as one of the elite breeding bulls in the Hereford breed today. He has the ability to sire progeny of both sexes that are highly marketable. Semen is only offered through auctions so take advantage of the opportunity.
Semen is located at Western Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$100LCX Perfecto 11B ET
5 Straws
Perfecto has surfaced as one of the elite breeding bulls in the Hereford breed today. He has the ability to sire progeny of both sexes that are highly marketable. Semen is only offered through auctions so take advantage of the opportunity.
Semen is located at Western Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$100LCX Perfecto 11B ET
5 Straws
Perfecto has surfaced as one of the elite breeding bulls in the Hereford breed today. He has the ability to sire progeny of both sexes that are highly marketable. Semen is only offered through auctions so take advantage of the opportunity.
Semen is located at Western Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5

$105LCX Perfecto 11B ET
5 Straws
Perfecto has surfaced as one of the elite breeding bulls in the Hereford breed today. He has the ability to sire progeny of both sexes that are highly marketable. Semen is only offered through auctions so take advantage of the opportunity.
Semen is located at Western Sires.
Purchase Price is your bid x 5