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Individual Ticket

Platinum Sponsor
- Reserved table seating (2 VIP Tables, 20 seats)
- Title sponsorship: “Dance for Autism” presented by...”
- Press Release announcing sponsorship
- Speaking opportunity/company video during Gala program
- Verbal Recognition from podium
- Social Media recognition on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with company logo and a link to company page
- Advertisement in Dance for Autism Gala electronic journal
- Logo recognition on event collateral including printed and digital signage, invitations, RSVP landing page and press release

Gold Sponsor
- Reserved table seating (1 VIP Table, 10 seats)
- Verbal Recognition from podium
- Social Media recognition on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with company logo and a link to company page
- Advertisement in Dance for Autism Gala electronic journal
- Logo recognition on event collateral including printed and digital signage, invitations, RSVP landing page and press release

Silver Sponsor
- Reserved table seating (1 Preferred Table, 10 seats)
- Social Media recognition on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with company logo and a link to company page
- Advertisement in Dance for Autism Gala electronic journal
- Logo recognition on event collateral including printed and digital signage, invitations, RSVP landing page and press release

Bronze Sponsor
- Reserved table seating (1 Reserved Table, 10 seats)
- Social Media recognition on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with company logo and a link to company page
- Advertisement in Dance for Autism Gala electronic journal
- Name recognition on event collateral including printed and digital signage, invitations, RSVP landing page and press release

Table Sponsor
- Reserved table seating (1 Reserved Table, 10 seats)
- Advertisement in Dance for Autism Gala electronic journal
- Name recognition on event collateral including printed and digital signage, invitations, RSVP landing page and press release
2 Purchaser
Order Summary
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By paying the transaction fee, you ensure more money goes to your organization’s mission.
Attendee #1
Thank You To Our Sponsors
Dear Friends and Supporters of Arizona Autism Charter Schools,
Arizona Autism Charter Schools (AZACS) will be holding its 2nd Annual Dance for Autism Gala on Saturday, April 26, 2025. AZACS has become an essential pillar of our community as the ONLY nonprofit, tuition-free, autism-focused charter network in Arizona and the southwest! Over the past decade, AZACS has opened four successful campuses in Central Phoenix, West Valley, and Tucson as well as a fully accredited online school. Additionally, over the last year, AZACS launched its adult workforce development program, Essential Piece Enterprises. This program provides hands-on job training to help young
adults on the spectrum become contributing members of our community. Furthermore, to ensure the health and wellness of our students, we are starting Arizona's first Autism-Focused Primary Health Clinic in partnership with Valle Del Sol.
We celebrate that AZACS is an award-winning charter network and, in 2024, was recognized as a National Title I Distinguished School.
With more campuses to come in Tucson and the East Valley, AZACS invites you to salsa the night away at this year's event!
Partner with us to celebrate our success! AZACS is seeking sponsorship partners to enhance and amplify its impact in Arizona and beyond. This fundraising is critical to growing our programs and extracurricular activities, such as our student Ballroom Dance Program, Culinary Arts, Special Olympics, Parent Training, Teacher Training Academy, our Adult Program Essential Piece Enterprises, and our new Autism-Focused Health Clinic.
Refer to this brochure for sponsorship opportunities. We are grateful for the partnerships we have developed over the past 11 years to expand Arizona Autism Charter Schools and launch Essential Piece Enterprises. We look forward to celebrating our impact with you at our 2nd Annual Dance for Autism Gala!
With gratitude,
Diana Diaz-Harrison
Founder & Executive Director
This will be a Dancing with the Stars-themed event, where community dancers will be paired with professional Ballroom Dancers to perform their favorite Latin dance! Whether dance teams do their favorite Cha Cha, Mambo, or Bolero, they will be Dancing for Autism and supporting our cause! Each dance team will share their fundraising link with family and friends and on social media! Click the button below to meet our dancers!