E133 Aspiration
$2,250WDT Wagyu100 Ms Judo E133
Red Wagyu - FB33098
Judo x Big Al x Hikari x Judo x Homare donor cow! Winning bidder will have the right to one IVF aspiration from this donor. Guarantee of 5 frozen embryos with no cap, or buyer will have the option to repeat the IVF session. Semen, embryo production, and shipping expenses are the responsibility of the buyer.
- E133

2221 Aspiration
$1,000CG Growth 2221
Angus - 20656592
This donor is in the top 1% of the entire Angus breed for growth while still being in the top 20% for calving ease! Winning bidder will have the right to one IVF aspiration from this donor. Guarantee of 5 frozen embryos with no cap, or buyer will have the option to repeat the IVF session. Semen, embryo production, and shipping expenses are the responsibility of the buyer.
- 2221

Ashwood F X014 x 121 embryos
$1,200Ashwood F X014 x 121 Embryos
Red Wagyu
4 IVF Embryos
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
If you're looking for difficult to make embryos, these would be them! Ashwood F X014 is king of the Australian Wagyu Association database, and until recently, has been unavailable in the United States. What little semen is available on him has traded at $10,000+ per straw. The donor here is a direct daughter of Rueshaw, the 1975 Japanese National Champion whose semen has commanded up to $22,000 for a single unit. What's more, the 121 donor is backed by a Hikari x Judo x Homare pedigree, and is proven to produce leading weaning weights within our program. These embryos are as rare and valuable as it gets!
Christensen Genetics, Weston, ID
- 121 Dam of Embryos Selling

Umemaru x 3423 embryos
$600Umemaru x 3423 Embryos
Red Wagyu
5 IVF Embryos
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Check out the incredible Umemaru x Master Chef sire stack here! Umemaru is the proven direct son of Kaedemaru whose semen has commanded up to $7500 for a single straw. He is well known for consistently producing excellent mannered cattle that are impressive in the pasture and on the rail. The donor dam here is a direct daughter of the rare and difficult to acquire Master Chef, who brings performance and the Ume maternal line to the front of the pedigree. Behind that, we find a straight foundation pedigree of Big Al x Tamamaru x Shigemaru x Akiko. There's nothing not to like here!
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Umemaru Sire of embryos selling
- Master Chef Grandsire of embryos selling
- 2077A Granddam of embryos selling

Rueshaw II x 9961Y embryos
$700Rueshaw II x 9961Y Embryos
Red Wagyu
4 Conventional Embryos
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Female sexed embryos from the ONLY living Himawari maternal line female in the ENTIRE American Wagyu Association database! 9961Y is a Tamamaru x Big Al x Himawari cow that has weaned in IMPRESSIVE 11 calves every year in the same calving season without fail! Even as a 13 year old cow, 9961Y maintains a perfect udder and feet and weaned a powerful stud candidate as her 11th calf. The sire of these embryos, Rueshaw II, was syndicated for $100,000. 800 carcasses sired by Rueshaw II were graded by a carcass camera, with 96% being mid and high prime (BMS 9 - 12) at under 25 months of age! Rueshaw II is a direct son of the original Rueshaw, the only national champion to ever leave Japan. Rueshaw was imported in 1976 and has had semen sell for as much as $22,000 for a single unit. These FEMALE SEXED embryos will make donor candidate heifer calves!
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 9985Y Full sister in blood to dam of embryos selling
- Rueshaw II Sire of embryos selling

Star Lord x 577 embryos
$500Star Lord x 577 Embryos
Red Wagyu
4 Conventional Embryos
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
FEMALE SEXED embryos sired by the newest son of Kaedemaru, Star Lord, whose semen is NOT available on the open market. The dam of these embryos, 577, is HOMOZYGOUS POLLED. These embryos will ALL result in polled calves, and 90% will be female! Be the first to have a POLLED female with KAEDEMARU as her granddam in your herd!
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Star Lord Sire of embryos selling
- 577 Dam of embryos selling

All Polled Female Sexed Semen
$300CG All Polled 2259 Semen
1 Female Sexed Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 1
All Polled 2259 is the first HOMOZYGOUS POLLED purebred Akaushi stud produced at Christensen Genetics! His sire, Sanban 662H, provides outcross genetics to most polled Akaushi cattle. His dam is a full sister to our most popular AI stud, Davy Crockett. His granddam is our highest marbling and ribeye per pound of body weight of all of our Akaushi donors on actual carcass ultrasound. She posts a straight foundation pedigree of Big Al x Hikari x Shigemaru x Ume. All Polled has the outcross lineage on the top side and the maternal proof on the bottom side of his pedigree to be the next step forward in homozygous polled purebred Akaushi genetics. Look for this exciting young sire to produce calves that are easily born and naturally hornless.
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 2259

Red Rum Female Sexed Semen
$400Red Rum
1 Female Sexed Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 1
WSI Red Rum combines the rare genetics of Judo and Naomi in a FEMALE SEXED package.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Judo: Sire of WSI Red Rum

3426 bred fullblood
$8,500CGX Homare 3426L
Red Wagyu - FB107858
Bred Cow
Due 10/15/2025
Service Sire: CGX Genesis 3357L
3426 is a direct daughter of the powerful 121 donor, who is a high performance Rueshaw x Hikari x Judo x Homare female. 3426 was just AI bred to CGX Genesis 3357L, whose semen sold at the Akaushi & Wagyu on the Vegas Strip sale for $1100/straw and is not available on the open market. Get a quick return on your investment with this breeding age daughter of one of our lead donors carrying one of the first calves from a Rueshaw x Judo x Rueshaw x Akiko stud!
- 121: dam of heifer selling
- Genesis: Service sire of heifer selling

3345 Bred Polled purebred
$9,000CG Debbie 3345
Akaushi - AP298222
Bred Cow
Heifer Calf Due 10/11/2025
Service Sire: CG All Polled 2259
3345 gets you all of the benefits of Akaushi without the horns! She was just AI bred to female sexed semen from the homozygous polled CG All Polled 2259. 2259 is a grandson of our highest marbling Akaushi donor on actual carcass ultrasound, 919. The resulting calf has a 100% chance of being polled, a 90% chance of being female, and a 50% chance of being homozygous polled. Get two for the price of one with this bred heifer delivered to your doorstep!
- 534: dam of heifer selling
- 2259: Service sire of heifer selling

3362 Bred Purebred
$9,000CG Aussie 3362
Akaushi - AP302041
Bred Cow
Heifer Calf Due 9/22/2025
Service Sire: CG All Polled 2259
CG Aussie 3362 is sired by one of the most impressive bulls in the entire Heartbrand bull battery, Raymond Reddington. Her dam's pedigree combines the leading Australian studs, Kotsukari and Kajikari. She is bred to female sexed All Polled semen and is carrying a polled purebred Akaushi calf with a 90% chance of being female. This one heifer will be two on your ranch by the end of the year!
- 204H: dam of heifer selling
- 2259: Service sire of heifer selling

9051 Bred Angus
$4,500Faith Rita 9051
Black Angus - 19865386
Bred Cow
Bull Calf Due 5/30/2025
Service Sire: CG Ferdinand 2251
Faith Rita 9051 is an elite performance female, ranking in the top 1% of the entire Angus breed for weaning weight (105), yearling weight (177), and carcass weight (84). Her bull calf sired by Ferdinand should add elite calving ease, marbling, and index values, to provide a quick return on investment.
- 9044: full sister to cow selling

Master Chef x 61G Embryos
$800Master Chef x 61G Embryos
Red Wagyu
5 IVF Embryos
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Master Chef semen is almost impossible to get, and brings thousands of dollars per unit on the rare occasions that it does sell. Stacked over an impeccable Brady (Rueshaw x Rueshaw x Akiko) x Red Emperor x Gabni Rubi pedigree, these embryos are poised to take the program that buys them to the next level.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Master Chef
- 61G

Rueshaw 74Z x 30K Embryos
$300Rueshaw 74Z x 30K Embryos
4 Conventional Embryos
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Rueshaw 74Z (Rueshaw x Gabni Rubi) is a full brother to my favorite female at Idaho Wagyu Genetics, IWG Ms Rueshaw 78Z. The donor dam, 30K, is an impressive young Kuniaso maternal line female that traces twice to the legendary Kaedemaru.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 30K Dam of embryos selling
- 74Z Sire of embryos selling

Criminal x 615H Embryos
$500Criminal x 615H Embryos
1 Conventional Embryo
Purchase Price is your bid x 1
Criminal is a POWERFULLY constructed polled purebred Akaushi stud. If you're looking for thickness, mass, and muscle, this is the bull to get it done! He is paired over the polled purebred dam, 615H, giving the resulting calf a shot at being homozygous polled.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Criminal Sire of embryos selling
- 615 Dam of embryo selling

Recital x G223E embryos
$400Recital x G223E Embryos
Red Wagyu
4 Conventional Embryos
Purchase Price is your bid x 4
Get 15% higher conception rates with these CONVENTIONAL embryos out of a HIKARI dam! They are sired by the Australian stud, Recital. Recital is the top marbling Akaushi bull in Breedplan. He is linebred to Big Al, out of a beautiful dam. Recital (EAF19523) x G223E (AF197218) results in a high concentration of the Japanese super sire, Dai 10 Mitsumaru. G223E is a direct maternal descendant of the original import Fuyuko. These embryos will give you a strong conception rate, easy calving, exceptional marbling, and beautiful females in your Akaushi herd.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Recital Sire of embryos selling
- G223E Dam of embryos selling

Jameson x 8B71 Embryos
$400Jameson x 8B71 Embryos
2 Conventional Embryos
Purchase Price is your bid x 2
Jameson is the highest weaning weight bull in the entire Angus breed at his level of accuracy. You can see the real performance in his calves everywhere he has been used! 8B71 is one of the highest cows for weaning weight in the ENTIRE Angus breed! Take advantage of the fact that these embryos were produced via in vivo rather than in vitro fertilization, resulting in 15% higher conception rates on average relative to IVF embryos elsewhere in the marketplace.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Jameson Sire of embryos selling
- 8B71 Dam of embryos selling

7125 x X151 Embryos
$310Objective 7125 x X151 Embryos
5 IVF Embryos
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
These embryos are FULL SIBLINGS to the $50,000 ABS Global proven sire, SF Speedway A187! How often do you get to buy full siblings to a stud bull in an embryo auction? Speedway brings proven calving ease, growth, and elite index values to the table, and these calves will do the same.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Speedway Full sibling to embryos selling
- X151 Dam of embryos selling

Parallel x 978 Embryos
$60Parallel x 978 Embryos
5 Conventional Embryos
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
These custom order embryos bring together a Brahman sire with the best of the LT Charolais program to make cattle that will grow in the heat.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Parallel Sire of embryos selling
- 8042 Granddam of embryos selling

Rueshaw II Female Sexed Semen
$1,450Rueshaw II
1 Female Sexed Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 1
800 carcasses sired by Rueshaw II were graded by a carcass camera, with 96% being mid and high prime (BMS 9 - 12) at under 25 months of age!
His full brother, JC Rueshaw 75, was the Houston Grand Champion Red Wagyu bull in both 2014 and 2015, where he recorded the top marbling score and largest ribeye competing against both Red and Black Wagyu bulls. He sold with his semen inventory for $500,000.
Rueshaw II is a direct son of the original Rueshaw, the only national champion to ever leave Japan, who was imported in 1976 and has had semen sell for as much as $22,000 for a single unit. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to get female sexed semen on a direct son of the original Rueshaw!
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Rueshaw II

Outback Female Sexed Semen
$250Female Sexed JMK Outback 298D Semen
5 Female Sexed Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
JMK OUTBACK 298D is a direct son of the legendary KOTSUKARI out of a full sister to the elite Australian sire INTERNATIONAL. Outback is registered with BOTH the American Wagyu Association (FB28832) AND the American Akaushi Association (EAF144152). With Kotsukari semen selling for up to $7500/straw, this powerful son from an elite cow family is the next step forward! Outback progeny are certainly impressive both as live cattle and finished beef at JMK and Flying 4F in Texas. Take advantage of the opportunity to buy female sexed semen on this direct Kotsukari son!
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- JMK Outback 298D
- Kotsukari: sire of Outback

Male Sexed Davy Crockett
$50Male Sexed Davy Crockett Semen
5 Male Sexed Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
MALE SEXED SEMEN! Davy is our all time semen sales leader, and for good reason. This polled purebred Akaushi stud is backed by our highest marbling Akaushi donor on actual carcass ultrasound, 919. His sire, King David, is proven at the top of the breed for performance. Davy himself has been an excellent calving ease option in the polled purebred Akaushi population. This male sexed semen will let you make bulls to breed with or steers to eat!
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Davy
- 919: Dam of Davy Crockett

International Semen
$120Academy International P107 Semen
5 Conventional Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
International is one of the most recent sires to be imported from Australia, and a great source of muscle, power, and length.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- International

Recital Semen
$220Academy Red Wagyus Recital J34 Semen
5 Conventional Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Recital is an Australian import sire that provides exceptional marbling and maternal quality in his offspring.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Recital

Tambo Semen
$80Academy Red Wagyus Tambo H18 Semen
5 Conventional Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Tambo is an Australian import sire noted for the impressive growth he sires in his offspring.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Tambo

Polled Hikari 2114 Semen
$140CG Polled Hikari 2114 Semen
3 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
2114 is the ONLY polled purebred direct son of the original Hikari in the entire breed! His paternal siblings include Kotsukari, Umemaru, and H0518E. If you're looking for outcross genetics, calving ease, and growth in the polled purebred Akaushi population, Polled Hikari is a must use sire.
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 2114
- Hikari - Sire of Polled Hikari

All Polled Semen
$80CG All Polled 2259 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
All Polled 2259 is the first HOMOZYGOUS POLLED purebred Akaushi stud produced at Christensen Genetics! His sire, Sanban 662H, provides outcross genetics to most polled Akaushi cattle. His dam is a full sister to our most popular AI stud, Davy Crockett. His granddam is our highest marbling and ribeye per pound of body weight of all of our Akaushi donors on actual carcass ultrasound. She posts a straight foundation pedigree of Big Al x Hikari x Shigemaru x Ume. All Polled has the outcross lineage on the top side and the maternal proof on the bottom side of his pedigree to be the next step forward in homozygous polled purebred Akaushi genetics. Look for this exciting young sire to produce calves that are easily born and naturally hornless.
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 2259

Heavyweight Semen
$50CG Heavyweight 2224 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
CG Heavyweight 2224 (AP282636) is an aptly named young bull! His sire, Dos Equis, is the highest valued polled Akaushi bull of all time, commanding over $111,000 for half interest. His maternal grandsire, Rueshaw, holds the record for the highest priced Akaushi semen, with a single unit bringing up to $22,000. His dam, JC Ms Rueshaw 121, is a standout power cow and favorite of visitors to the ranch. Heavyweight himself is the heaviest Akaushi calf at weaning of the entire 2022 calf crop at Christensen Genetics. He has gained at an impressive rhythm on nothing but grass and hay, without ever tasting a bite of corn. If you're looking for a bull that will produce polled, fast-gaining calves on grass that turn into beautiful cows and premium quality Akaushi beef, Heavyweight is your bull!
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 2224
- 121: Dam of Heavyweight

CSS Davy Crockett Semen
$45Export Qualified Davy Crockett Semen
10 CSS Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
Davy is our all time semen sales leader, and for good reason. This polled purebred Akaushi stud is backed by our highest marbling Akaushi donor on actual carcass ultrasound, 919. His sire, King David, is proven at the top of the breed for performance. Davy himself has been an excellent calving ease option in the polled purebred Akaushi population. This CSS certified semen is qualified for export to most countries outside of the European Union.
Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Davy
- 919: Dam of Davy Crockett

Black Ops Semen
$20CGX Black Ops 1049J Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
Black Ops exhibits the highest growth on forage only of any fullblood Black Wagyu sired bull I have ever seen.
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 1049 Mature
- 1049 18 months

CG Kingpin 1033 Semen
$15CG Kingpin 1033 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
Kingpin was the first calf born, born light, weaned at the top of the calf crop, and puts up a stellar EPD profile. What more could you ask for?
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 1033

Prime Minister Semen
$10CG Prime Minister 1047 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
Prime Minister is the highest marbling Angus bull ever produced in the Christensen Genetics program, and puts up a huge $Combined figure to boot.
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Home Town: sire of Prime Minister

CG Pilot 998 Semen
$10CG Pilot 998 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
This maternal brother to Balance is a son of Capitalist 316 out of our cornerstone 2672 female. His sire collected over 100,000 units of semen in his lifetime and continued in production until he was 11 years old. His dam was sold as a 12 year old cow, carrying another calf, and still holds the record for the most embryos produced in a single conventional flush in our history at 35. Pilot 998 is among the breed's best for calving ease, while still landing among the elite for growth and carcass traits, to earn him a top 10% $Combined EPD. 998 is a huge semen producer, putting up 400 units in his first jump as a yearling and settling 73% of the heifers the semen was used on. Calving ease, growth, carcass, phenotype, maternal, and fertility - what more can you ask for?
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 998

Balance Semen
$10Thomas CG Balance 6899 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
One of my favorite all around sires that we have raised to date at Christensen Genetics. Balance calves are born easy, grow fast, marble well, and mature into great cows and bulls. He has been used successfully on hundreds of heifers, with weaning weights as high as 832 lbs from first calf heifers. He was the favorite sire group for two years running in a large commercial heifer project up against four other proven AI stud bulls as contemporaries. His daughters make outstanding cows and are standouts here. He himself could be loaded out from 50 cows on 160 acres with nothing but a single strand of dead hot wire. Unfortunately, Balance broke his penis and had to be put down. There is limited semen available on him.
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Balance

CG Legit 0069 Semen
$10CG Legit 0069 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
A 7/8 sibling in blood to Ledger, from the granddam of the $160,000 LT Authority! His dam, LT Katy 8042, weaned 8 calves at a 108 weaning weight ratio in the famed Lindskov-Thiel herd in South Dakota. This bull is a real meat wagon, but still strides out smooth and athletic as a cat.
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Legit
- Ledger
- Bluegrass

CG Victorious 0093 Semen
$10CG Victorious 0093 Semen
10 CSS Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
The dam of Victorious is a full sister to the $600,000 Miles McKee, and maintained a perfect udder, strong top and expansive rib even as an aged cow. His sire, Victor 719T, is one of the most proven Hereford bulls in the breed, servicing cows in live cover until the ripe old age of 14! If you're looking to add calving ease and proven maternal quality in a polled package, Victorious is the bull for you!
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Victorious
- 1315 Dam of Victorious

CG Ripped 0103 Semen
$10CG Ripped 0103 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
If you want the power of the now-deceased Ripper in an OH free package, Ripped is for you. His dam's pedigree is pristine: Upward x 878 x Forever Lady 57D. She continues in production as a beautiful 13 year old cow.
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 103
- Ripper

CG Growth 914 Semen
$10CG Growth 914 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
914 stacks the two most feed efficient proven bulls in the Angus breed in Fortitude and Waylon as his sire and grandsire. Feed efficiency breeders, take a look here.
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 914

CG Marbling 0054 Semen
$50CG Marbling 0054 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
Where else can you get top 1% calving ease and marbling genetics starting at $1/straw?!
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- 0054

CG Calving Ease 9119 Semen
$6CG Calving Ease 9119 Semen
10 Conventional Semen
Purchase Price is your bid x 10
9119 is the only bull in the Angus breed to go from a CED of 21 to a $B of 194. If you're looking for 100% of unassisted births and earning carcass premiums on the resulting calves, he will get you there.
Located at Hoffman AI, Logan, UT
- Momentum Sire of 9119