Disabled Outdoorsmen USA is teaming up with SCI, Texas Paralyzed Veterans Association, and Agape Ranch in Uvalde, Texas to host our disabled annual dove hunt. We are so excited to offer this opportunity and for our disabled participants to enjoy a full day of camaraderie and dove hunting. The arrival time for participants is 2:00 pm and lunch will be provided for participants and their guests. Departure time will be at dusk. Participants are welcome to stay and clean their birds and leave afterward. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST HAVE A VALID DOVE HUNTING LICENSE. If you have previously attended this event, please allow for new individuals to participate. You can share this opportunity with anyone with a disability who would like to join in this event. 

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SCI & TPVA Collaboration Hunt

Disabled Outdoorsmen USA
Please contact Rani Culp if you have any additional questions about the event. Please only register one person per ticket. We have 15 slots available.


Uvalde, Texas, USA

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