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Join us Monday, April 29, 6:30-7:30PM for a virtual panel discussion about Prodigal Son featuring:

- The Ruth & A. Morris Williams, Jr. Artistic Director Angel Corella
- Prodigal Son Stager Colleen Neary
- The Louise and Alan Reed Music Director Beatrice Affron
- The Muriel and Philip Berman Curator of Modern Art Matthew Affron


Learn more about how Choreographer George Balanchine, Composer Sergei Prokofiev, and Painter Georges Rouault came to work together to create Prodigal Son and how it was influenced by the greater artistic movements of the 1920s. This cross-disciplinary discussion will not only celebrate the history of this ballet but will also provide unique insight into Philadelphia Ballet's process as we prepare to mount this historic work.

This special opportunity is made possible by a generous contribution from Allen R. and Judy Brick Freedman.



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Hosted By Philadelphia Ballet

Philadelphia Ballet

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