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Pecan Oil Hand Soap, Pecan Cream Body Moisturizer, Pistachio Petit Grain, Texas Fig, Texas Fig Body Oil
Texas Basket of Pecans & Pecan Candies from Millican Pecan.
Blood Oath Pact No. 9 is a top-quality bourbon crafted by Rempe, and aged beyond the norm.
Basket of various olive oils, balsamic, seasonings, pottery and other goodies.
Gift basket to include coffee, mug, pecans, t-shirt, cap and gift certificate.
Basket containing White Lily perfume, Eyeglass decorative holder, Big Dipper Constellation Pendant, Art Wallet, White Chocolate covered pecans, Chocolate Amaretto covered pecans, Coffee mug, Pecan coffee, Apple pecan preserves, Peach Pecan & Amaretto preserves, Fudge pecan topping, Poppin pecan snack, Pecan pie-in-a-jar, Chocolate pie-in-a-jar, decorated with butterflies.
Texas Gift Basket brimming with fresh shelled pecans and candies from Bagley Pecan of San Saba, TX
Texas Gift Basket brimming with fresh shelled pecans from Bagley Pecan of San Saba, TX
Enjoy our favorite Bloody Mary Mix w/ Tito's Vodka, Champagne paired w/ Hot Ruby for your morning Mimosa, 2 Oliver Pecan XL Coffee Mugs filled with Stroop Waffles and Chocolate Covered Expresso Beans and Gourmet Waffle & Pancake Mix, along with our favorite things to have with it (Oliver Pecan Pecan Syrup, Maple & Sea Salt Caramel Honey Butter, All Natural Pecan Butter & Local Honey).
Enjoy Four (4) Bottles of Fiesta Wine, along with an assortment of other goodies.
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