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You can still participate in the auction!Join Kids In Crisis and Gala Co-chairs Amber Boissonneault and Sean McMurtry at The Loading Dock in Stamford for a night of music, dinner, and dancing! Slip into your best vintage prep and arrive dockside at 6:30 pm to rock out with the Yacht Lobsters band and party emcees Jeff Glor and Michael Kay. Your participation at this dockside bash supports the award-winning shelter, counseling, and outreach programs Kids In Crisis provides Connecticut children in need.
Don't miss the boat on this unforgettable night and the chance to make a meaningful impact in our community!
Gala Committee
Co-Chairs Amber Boissonneault & Sean McMurtry
Jodi Applegate - Shari Aser - Ophelia Ceradini - Rebecca Cooper - Marina Finnerty - Kristen Forlini
Rhiannon Forlini - Blake Giffin - Molly Gort - Gabriela Griffis - Catherine Holden - Karen Hopp
Tammy Houston - Jen Kane - Penelope Kassaris - Elizabeth Kelly
Kellie Kerwin - Kate Laverge - Emily Marr - Ann Martin - Scott Matula-Beltch - Kirstin Mende
Courtney Murray - Keren Nelson - Katie Nogaki - Abe Rosenwald - Britton Ruckman - Laura Sabia
Marsha Shendell - Jami Sherwood - Leah Smith - Kristie Smith - Tanya Smith
Karen Tepper-Bauduin - Melanie Tsangaroulis - Christina Webber - Carey Wensch - Emily Wolowitz
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