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You can still participate in the auction!Thank you for supporting our successful 2024 Gala!
API Chaya is a culturally-specific non-profit agency serving South Asian, Asian, Pacific Islander, and immigrant communities. The agency has two main programs:
Free and confidential direct services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking, including advocacy, therapy, and financial assistance.
Community education and organizing to support skill building in immigrant communities around healing from harm, addressing harm, and having healthy relationships.
In 2023, API Chaya was able to:
Serve over 600 survivors with over 5200 hours of direct service. Our survivors came from 36 countries of origin. Our programs help survivors meet their needs around safety, emotional support, housing stability, employment search, mental health, and immigration.
Host over 250 community events, including support groups, healing gatherings, skillshares, and leadership development events. We reached over 3,000 community members with our programs and over 33,000 with our media.
Provide $800,000 in direct support to help survivors access housing, food, healthcare, and other basic needs.
View Our 2023 Annual Report Visit Our Website
Huraiti Mana at the 2019 API Chaya Gala. Photograph by Selva Srinivasan.
Event Accessibility
Your comfort and joy are important to us! API Chaya will provide CART and ASL interpretation for the 2024 Gala. Limited childcare will be provided by qualified professionals on site. You may register for childcare through ticketing. Meal options for the gala include chicken, fish, and a vegan option. Gluten-free meals are an option. If you have any allergies or dietary needs, please let us know through registration. Guests will be responsible for parking fees at the Westin Seattle. If you need an interpreter, a scent-free seat, or have other accessibility concerns, please contact Nica Sy. We are excited to welcome you back to the API Chaya gala!