Why Your Support Is Needed
For the 2024-25 school year, we need to raise $300,000 to support Beacon's robust programming. (Our suggested donation is $500 per student/family, which will help us cover our budget and not cut programs; however, all gifts are welcomed.)
Funds support clubs and sports, academic programs, the college office, professional development, and social-emotional well-being programming, to name a few. These programs are NOT covered by the DOE.
Only through support from all members of the parent/guardian community we will be able to maintain these offerings.
There are several ways to give:
Donate to Family Giving via a one-time or recurring donation. (We also take Zelle; under the email, Beacontreasurer@gmail.com & the name Beacon School Parent Association.)
Double or even triple the value of your gift by finding out if your employer offers corporate matching and locating the contact to make this happen. Our EIN = 13-3749712.
Donate to $5 Fridays (fyi, there are 43 Fridays in school year @$5/Friday = $215!).
Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions about where the funds are going, don't hesitate to reach out. The Beacon PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (EIN = 13-3749712) so all gifts are 100% tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The Beacon PTA Fundraising Committee, beaconptafundraising@gmail.com
If you prefer to donate by check, 100% of your contribution will support Beacon programs with no additional processing fees.
Checks can be mailed to:
The Beacon PTA
c/o The Beacon School
522 West 44th Street
New York, NY 10036
Or ask your student to drop a check into the blue PTA inbox in the main office.