Presenting Sponsor

How fast can you and 5 of your friends pull an Airplane or a Blackhawk Helicopter? Join us on Friday, July 14th from 1:00-5:00pm at Thaden Field at the Bentonville Airport to compete against other Teams for Top Honors! 


Awards given out to TEAMS for the following:

  • Grand Champion - 1st Place Team with the Overall Fastest Time 
  • The Highballers - Fastest CrossFit Box, Gym or Fitness Group
  • The Sky Blossoms - Team with the Slowest Overall Time
  • The Powerhouse - Team with the Oldest Combined Team Member ages
  • Gofasters - Team with the Youngest Combined Team Member ages
  • Sheep Dog Champion - Fastest Team comprised completely of Veterans, Military, First Responders 


*Teams can only win one award. Grand Champion has the overall fastest time of the day. 



9:30am-11:30am     Drop off 10x10 tent and lawn chairs for your Team 

12:00pm                  Enlistment Ceremony 

1:00pm-5:00pm      Aircraft Haul (Teams competing for time, pulling every 5 minutes)

                                Lunch/Dinner Available 

5:30pm                    Award Ceremony 

                                50/50 Drawing 

5:00pm-7:30pm      Beer Garden Open at Osage Park 

Available for Purchase

Not attending?

You can still donate!

Rules and Participant Information 

• A minimum donation of $250 per team is due no later than Friday, July 14, 2023, and is required to participate in the Aircraft Haul event.

• Participants must sign a waiver before competing. 

• Participants must be 14 years of age or older. Participants under 18 must have a legal guardian also sign their waiver. 

• Team size will not exceed 6 people.

• No rope attachments (i.e., Velcro, handles)

• Teams must use gloves. Bring your own!

• Timing begins when the airhorn/whistle sounds and stops when the aircraft travels 30 feet.

• Two primary timers and one backup timer are used. The official time is the average of the primary timers. The backup timer will be used if a malfunction occurs with a primary timer.

• Pullers may remove slack from the rope but may not begin pulling until signaled. The referee will signal the end of the pull and the aircraft's brakes will be applied.

• Any issues that arise during a team's pull will be addressed by the referee and overall event supervisor. Their decision is final.

• A re-pull is awarded only due to a malfunction in timing and/or aircraft's equipment. The decision to allow a team to re-pull is made collaboratively by the event referee and event supervisor.

• All team questions should be directed to Bridgette West, Director of Development & Marketing at Sheep Dog Impact Assistance. -- [email protected]

• Teams may arrive between 9:30am-11:30am to set up a 10x10 tent and lawn chairs for their Team to relax and hang out while watching the other Teams pull. 

• Team Participants will receive: Event Shirt, Wristbands for Drinks and Beer Garden admittance. 

Multiple free water stations will be available throughout the event location. 

FAQ for Team Captains and Team Members 

Team Captains: Thank you for registering as a Team Captain for the SDIA Aircraft Haul. Here are a few facts you should know:

1) Please create your team FIRST, then start recruiting your team members! Make sure to tell them the Team Name that you have created so that they know which team to join. Have fun and be creative with those names!

2) You DO NOT need to have your full minimum donation of $250 to start your team! However, if you would like to kick off your team's campaign with a donation you can but the minimum donation of $250 is due no later than July 14, 2023. You can fundraise over the $250 minimum, because we know most teams will want to exceed this amount. Once you complete the registration process, you will receive a link to your personalized fundraising page that you can set up and start soliciting donations.

Team Members: Thank you for registering as a Participant on a Team for the SDIA Aircraft Haul. Some things to keep in mind:

1) Your Team Captain should register FIRST and provide you with your Team Name. Please encourage them to do so right away!

2) You will be sent a link to sign up under your Team Captain with the GiveSmart platform. An additional link through GiveLively can be shared to help your Team fundraise to the public! 

3) You DO NOT need to have your full minimum donation of $250 to complete your registration. However, if you would like to kick off your team's campaign with a donation you can, but the minimum donation of $250 is due no later than July 14, 2023. You can fundraise over the $250 minimum, because we know most teams will want to go exceed this amount. 

FAQ for Supporters, General Admission, and Party Packet with No Pull Ticket Holders:

Are you looking to donate to a particular Team or make a General Donation?

If you are looking to Donate to a participant's Team in the Sheep Dog Impact Assistance Aircraft Haul, please visit the list of items on this GiveSmart campaign and look for their Team Name. It will take you to a link to donate to their Team.

Are you looking to make a general donation to the overall goal of the Sheep Dog Impact Assistance Aircraft Haul? Please click Donate in the top left above the Aircraft Haul logo. You can also and click the Donate Now button. This will allow you to make a general donation to the overall goal. Thank you!

Are you attending the event to cheer on family and friends?

Thank you for supporting the Sheep Dog Impact Assistance Aircraft Haul. You are welcome to purchase a Party Packet with No Pull ticket! This will give you an event shirt and a wristband for a meal, soft drinks, water, and if you are 21 and over- a Beer Garden ticket. 

Can I purchase a event t-shirt if I am not attending the event?

Yes, if you will not be attending the event but would like to purchase a t-shirt, you may participate in the Virtual Aircraft Haul! Simply purchase the Virtual Aircraft Haul ticket. Shirts that are not picked up in the Sheep Dog Impact Assistance office by Friday, July 21st, will be shipped the following week.

Day of Event FAQs:

Where does the Aircraft Haul take place?

The Sheep Dog Impact Assistance Aircraft Haul will take place Friday, July 14th, at Thaden Field, Bentonville Airport, 2205 SW I St., Bentonville, AR 72712. 

Where is parking?

There is parking at Thaden Field, The Neighborhood Church, and a parking shuttle will be soon announced. 

Is the Aircraft Haul rain or shine?

Depending on weather, the Aircraft might have trouble arriving, or extreme weather conditions could affect the ability to hold the event. STAY TUNED for updates in the following locations: Text alert from GiveSmart to those who have purchased any type of ticket, Announced at the top of this page, Honor Fest Facebook page, Sheep Dog Impact Assistance Facebook and Instagram pages.

What time does check-in begin?

Event check-in and dropping off/set up of 10x10 Team Tents will be from 9:30-11:30am, and again at 12:45pm. 

The Enlistment Ceremony will begin at 12:00pm. 

Teams will be pulling from 1pm-5pm. 

Awards are scheduled to begin at 5:30pm. IF we are running ahead of schedule and all teams have pulled, awards may be presented ahead of schedule.

Who can pull on my team?

Individuals 14 years of age (with waivers signed by legal guardian) or older with signed waivers. All team members must be registered under the team name and must sign a waiver. Team must have $250 raised in order to pull.  

EVERY TEAM MEMBER MUST SIGN A WAIVER AND the $250 minimum donation must be paid before the pull begins. 

How many people can be on my team?

Six people are allowed on each team. 

When should all of my teammates be registered by?

Team members must be registered by July 14, 2023. Preferred shirt sizes are not a guarantee.

Once my team is checked in, when do we find out when we pull?

The pulling order will be listed on GiveSmart on July 13th and will be updated if changes are necessary. 

My team has checked in and has found our pulling position. What now?

After you are checked in and have found out when your team will pull, you are free to walk around and enjoy the event until your team is on deck to pull! Around the hangar, you will find groups who support and assist Veterans and First Responders and their families, food and drink stations, and more. 

My family and friends want to attend the Aircraft Haul. Will they have to pay to get in?

No, the Aircraft Haul is free to the public! Entrance to the event is free and open to the public, with free water stations. Tickets for Event Shirts and Wristbands for food, drinks, and Beer Garden for those 21 years of age and older are available. You may pay online and pick them up at the event Registration Table or Will Call Table.

If I am attending the event in support of a family member or friend, what will there be for me to do?

Organizations and Nonprofits who assist Veterans, First Responders, and their families will have booths set up within the Hanger of Thaden Field. If you purchase a Party Package With No Pulling ticket, you can enjoy food and drink while you watch and cheer on your favorite teams.

Proceeds benefit the programs of Sheep Dog Impact Assistance (SDIA).

Learn more about SDIA

Sheep Dog Impact Assistance

Sheep Dog Impact Assistance


Thaden Fieldhouse, Southwest I Street, Bentonville, AR, USA

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