MidAmerican Energy

Queer Field Day

August 19, 2023 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Clock, Inc is excited to announce our first Queer Field Day! This event will take place at Hodge Park in Rock Island, IL, on August 19th. This event includes a kickball tournament, a cornhole tournament, and a speedwalking relay!



Kickball Information

Each team will have 8 players who will compete in our single-elimination tournament! We will award the first place team, "Best Uniforms" and "Most Team Spirit!" 

Registration must be completed 30 minutes before your group is up to compete! 

The first two teams will begin at 10:30 am! 


Cornhole Information

Each team will compete in our single-elimination tournament. We will award the first-place team.


Speedwalking Relay

Teams of 6 will compete in our single-elimination tournament! 3 members of each team will start on one side, and the remaining 3 members will start on the other side. Once the whistle blows, the left side will begin speedwalking to the right. Once that member has given the other side a high-five, that member will begin walking to the left. Each team must make it back to their original spots. The first team to complete this will be the winner!

Loss of Contact Rule - During speed walking, the walker's feet should never lose contact with the ground as visible to the human eye. The heel of one foot should touch the ground before the toe of the other foot leaves the ground.

Sign up today!


Hosted By

Clock, Inc: LGBT+ Community Center

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