The first-ever Tom and Vi Zapara School of Business Lifetime Achievement Award Gala seeks to honor the work of Gillian and Larry Geraty through a Lifetime Achievement Award and support the educational mission of La Sierra University. Gala proceeds will create a new endowment supporting aspects of the Zapara School of Business (ZSB) mission such as scholarships, research, and other initiatives that promote students success.
The ZSB is dedicated to furthering the lifelong investment of the Geraty family; for decades, Larry and Gillian have devoted themselves to Seventh-day Adventist higher education, enabling the communities they serve to not only grow, but thrive. Their servant-leadership continues to inspire us as we strive to enhance our School's quality, impact, reach, and visibility. Not only will this special evening be a unique opportunity to celebrate the innovation and efforts of the Geratys, but it will also be a moment to uplift and champion you and our hardworking students.
All Gold Sponsor benefits plus a second priority seating table for 10, own screen time on Gala digital screen, and a private dinner for two with Larry and Gillian Geraty at the Mission Inn
All Silver Sponsor benefits plus priority table location, name on Gala email and name on Gala signage
All Bronze Sponsor benefits plus name on Gala invitations (print deadline by June 30th)
Table for 10 with preferred seating, name on Gala website, name on Gala program, name on Gala digital screen
(Limited Availability)
Table for 10, name listed with Act, Backstage Pass
Table for 10
Attire: Black Tie Optional
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2023
Time: Doors open at 5:00 pm; Performance starts promptly at 6:00 pm
Location: Riverside Convention Center, 3637 5th St, Riverside, CA 92501
Parking: Free parking is available at the Riverside Convention Center off of 3rd Street (Lot 33)
Kindly RSVP and purchase your ticket(s) no later than October 1, 2023

When Gillian and Larry met in Beirut, Lebanon- where their families worked at Middle East College- Larry's love for Gillian was immediate. Their relationship solidified during his time at England's Newbold College when he secured the then-required permission of the college authorities to date her. The two married after Larry graduated from Pacific Union College in California.
At Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, Larry earned MA and BD degrees before completing a PhD in Syro-Palestinian archaeology and Hebrew Bible at Harvard. In Boston, Gillian and Larry helped create the Association of Adventist Forums. They enjoyed a year in the Middle East as Larry conducted research there on a Fulbright Fellowship.
Larry later joined the faculty at Andrews University. The couple aided in the formation of a global, cosmopolitan Adventist congregation. Gillian studied architecture and began the university's first kindergarten program. Larry helped initiate the Adventist church's only doctoral curriculum in biblical archaeology. He founded the university's Institute of Archaeology and headed a museum honoring Professor Siegfried Horn.
As Atlantic Union College president in the late 1980's, Larry drew on his vast network to attract top talent to the college leadership team and expanded enrollment.
Gillian and Larry relocated to Riverside, California in 1993, when Larry accepted La Sierra University's presidency. He supported La Sierra's commitment to being an authentic university. He fostered the ongoing diversification of its student body, faculty, and staff, which has led to its repeated recognition as the most diverse campus in the United States. He also worked tirelessly to enhance the university's community visibility, helping to ensure support for its development plans. These plans led to a transformation of the university's campus and neighborhood and the creation of a substantial funding source for La Sierra. Larry served as president until 2007, when he transitioned into retirement- and a fundraising role for the university's Office of Advancement.
The Geratys were recognized in 2009 as Riverside's Family of the Year. Larry also chaired the board of the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce, and was named Riverside's Citizen of the Year. He continued work as an archaeologist in Jordan, and colleagues chose him as president of the American Schools of Oriental Research, the world's preeminent Near Eastern archaeology association. Retirement has enabled him and Gillian to spend more time with their children and grandchildren, nurture friendships, travel, and learn.
Gillian and Larry have encouraged intellectual vitality, flourishing relationships, and spiritual growth wherever they have worked. Their contributions have been outstanding and irreplaceable.