Let's Go To The Movies
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Experience the Milwaukee film scene with a Milwaukee Film Membership! Package includes Festival Duel level membership, $25 gift card to Cafe Corazon, Lush Popcorn and a gift package from the Pomona Cider Company.
Milwaukee Film Membership (Festival Duel level, $125 value). Get discounts on tickets/concessions at the Oriental Theatre (not valid for third-party or special events), early access and the BEST discounts on Film Festival passes and tickets, monthly invitation to free members-only screenings (first-come, first-served), invitation to the Milwaukee Film Festival members-only super-secret screenings, 15% off Milwaukee Film Festival merchandise, recognition of membership on the Milwaukee Film website. https://mkefilm.org
Cafe Corazon - $25 Gift Card
Lush Gourmet Popcorn
Pomona Cider Company - A new cider taproom and eatery located in the heart of Milwaukee on Farwell Street. This item includes: Perry Vinegar, 34oz Growler (unfilled), Two Pomona Glasses, Two Sake Cups, Tote Bag and $30 gift card (see photo for details). https://www.pomonaciderco.com/
Donated By Milwaukee Film, Cafe Corazon, Lush Popcorn, Pomona Cider Company