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Eden's Choir


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Artist: Gina White

Year Completed: 2022

Medium: Encaustic and Tyvek on wood panel - Framed

Dimensions in Inches (HxWxD): * 27"x27"

Shipping from: US

About the Artist:
I use art to visually interpret philosophical writings and poetry, particularly Christian mystics such as Thomas Merton, St. Teresa of Avila, and C.S. Lewis but I have also done studies of popular music including U2, Arcade Fire and Mumford and Sons. Since poetry is as subjective as fine art, I like to express my "visual reading" in an abstract style, leaving others to find their own meaning in the work. I am currently producing mid-size works, utilizing oil paint, wax, found objects and metals.

Additional Information:

Eden's Choir is an encaustic painting. Encaustic painting is an ancient art form, invented by the Greeks in the 5th century BC. Paintings are created with layers of hot pigmented wax, fused together with heat - in this case, a blow torch.

Inspired by a quote from Thomas Merton, Eden's Choir is a reflection of the strength we have in unity and the power of love in overcoming obstacles and creating beauty in the world:

New eyes awaken. I send Love's name into the world with wings and songs grow up around me like a jungle. Choirs of all creatures sing the tunes Your Spirit played in Eden. Zebras and antelopes and birds of paradise shine on the face of the abyss and I am drunk with the great wilderness of the sixth day of Genesis.

Shipping: Price includes shipping to buyers in the U.S. If buyer is outside the U.S., additional shipping charges may apply and will be calculated and payable after the sale and prior to shipment.