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Derek Porter Studio

$500 current bid
FMV: $5000

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Derek Porter Studio

Lighting design consultation services (up to 18 hours of time, approximately $5,000 equivalent).


This may be applied to residential, landscape or commercial spaces. Services must be initiated within 1 year after auction purchase.

Derek Porter ('89 Design) is an artist and multi-disciplinary designer focusing on the use of light within various scales of the built environment. His work considers subtle aspects of human perception, time-based movement and human relation to nature and diurnal cycles. These poetic interests in human centered relationships are complimented by a keen understanding of science regarding human factors and lighting technology.

Parallel to his art and design practice, Derek is instrumental in the evolution of lighting design education and is currently an Associate Professor of Lighting Design at Parsons School of Design in New York.

He has been guest lecturer at numerous institutions and organizations internationally. His work is recognized nationally and internationally through dozens of awards and exhibitions and held in numerous civic, corporate, institutional, and private collections. He has been the subject of numerous publications across four continents focusing on lighting design, art and education.

100% support for student scholarships.

Donated By Derek Porter