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SleepUnder at Murch 1

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Instead of a sleepover, imagine having a sleepunder at Murch!! You'd have the evening off and your child would create lasting memories with their friends that they'll cherish forever. Don't miss out on the opportunity to win this once-in-a-lifetime experience for your student.

The winner and up to 15 Murch student friends will get to have a sleepunder at Murch that is hosted and supervised by Murch teachers and staff. Note, all 16 students must be current 1st through 5th graders at Murch - of the same grade level - and the group may be mixed male and female.

The group will get to spend the evening/night in the school gym from 5pm-10pm They will be supervised by Murch teachers and staff and the evening will include fun activities, like games, a movie and popcorn, and dinner with a special treat on the way out. And the best part - parents get the evening off for five hours! Just drop them off at 5pm and pick them up at 10pm.

It's a dream for kids and parents alike.

Limitations: Available only to current 1st through 5th grade students; 16 students maximum; all attending students must be the same grade. If winner is a current 5th grader, they and their friends can come back to Murch as 6th graders in the fall to do this sleepunder.

Value: Priceless experience; $1,000 FMV. Date for event is TBD.

Donated By Murch

A Ball Of Fun For Everyone

Kids Elite