Hero of the Year

June 08, 2023 6:00 - 9:00 pm

125 Stephen P Yokich Pkwy, Spring Hill, TN 37174, USA

Puddles for Hero of the Year

Hi! My name is Puddles and I represented Southern Springs last year. I didn't win. But I want to try again this year and my dad, Steve, is gonna help me-owt! We are fur sure gonna rock this! When I heard that this year, they are raising money to ensure the Club kids in Spring Hill get to have field trips, I knew I had to try again to help! This summer, the Club kids will be taking a week of field trips for the last week of July. They are lucky enough to have wonderful partnerships with the school administration, but there are certain circumstances that they are not able to control and due to that BGCSCTN is not able to use classrooms during that week. Refusing to make families go two weeks without childcare, they decided to turn that week into the most fun week of the summer with field trips Monday through Friday. These will be long days for the staff, but the reward of making lifetime memories for the expected 150 kids will be worth every moment. I said "you gotta be kitten me! I'm pawsitively going to help and do all I can!" Let me paws and say I am checking my catitude and humbly meowing "pawlease help me to be the first cat ever to be named the Hero of the Year!" But the most important thing is I get to support Boys & Girls Clubs of South Central Tennessee. They are amazing and they are changing the lives of our community youth every day! I am grateful for your support! Let's do this!

Dianne And William Holtzman
valerie loftis
Karen Schaffer
martha herlihy
Ronald Jordan Ronald Jordan
Holly Browne
Russell Augsburg
Gene Sawdon