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Stephen Coe Dinner For 6!

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Celebrity chef, Stephen Coe will come to your house to cook a dinner for up to 6 people.

South Shore chef Stephen Coe made mincemeat out of celebrity gourmet Bobby Flay, defeating the culinary star in the final round of a five-part Food Network tournament. The series debuted Aug. 9 and wrapped Sept. 6, with Coe and Flay going head to head. There are three rounds: appetizer, entree and dessert.

Coe has a strong track record with the Food Network. He's been on "Chopped" four times, including winning "Chopped: Ultimate Redemption" last year. He also holds the titles of "World Bacon Champion" and "Grill Master" from the Food Network series "Chopped Grill Masters," and he won the "World Food Championships."

An Abington native, Coe is a graduate of Johnson & Wales University, College of Culinary Arts, and South Shore Vocational Technical High in Hanover.

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