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$500000 Goal


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Corporate Sponsorships Available

We are pleased to announce the availability of corporate sponsorships for the 2022 Gala. These sponsorships are tailored to each entity by our team for strategic brand placement.  Please contact the office if your business would like more information regarding becoming a sponsor at any level. We can be reached at

Special thanks to:


"We were both drawn to Trees of Hope due to their efforts to confront the issues of Houston's homeless children. As mothers ourselves, we are eager to help raise awareness and resources for these families as they rebuild their lives."

- Sara Black & Amber Fatheree

Trees of Hope is pleased to be honoring Frost Bank as our 2022 Annual Gala Honoree at this year's event. Over the past 5 years, Frost Bank has shown extraordinary dedication to making a difference in the lives of children and families in need through their numerous volunteer activities and generous donations to Trees of Hope. We would like to thank Frost Bank for contributing their time and effort to helping make a difference in the lives of so many young children we support at Star of Hope.

We are thrilled to honor such an outstanding company.

Lauren Anderson Headshot

We are thrilled to welcome Lauren Anderson as our Emcee for this year's "Nutcracker: Hopeful Traditions" Gala. Native Houstonian, Lauren danced with the Houston Ballet from 1983 to 2006, performing leading roles in all the great classical ballets appearing across the world to critical acclaim and in the process becoming one of Houston's Ballets most beloved stars! You can catch Lauren teaching young children and adults alike with an enthusiasm of a leading lady. It is her love of community that we are thankful as she leads the way for this year's 2022 Nutcracker: Hopeful Traditions Gala!


Trees of Hope has donated over $11.1 million to the Children's Critical Care Fund over three decades.

As we look forward to living our lives more closely surrounded by the ones we love, we also look to hopeful traditions of the past; the tradition of caring for those in our community most desperately in need. Trees of Hope remains committed to the tradition of bringing hope to the homeless children in our community through our support of Star of Hope's Children's Critical Care Fund. Join us on November 11th and help us to support this "Hopeful Tradition".

Nutcracker Champions

Help our cause by creating your own fundraising page today!

Your individual fundraising page allows you to share your story and set a goal. The funds you raise will help make our mission a reality!


When it's time to bid, just look for the cowboy hats!
The Cowboy Auctioneer team raises millions of dollars each year for charities across the country and they are excited to partner with us in our mission this year.


Hosted By

Trees Of Hope
If you have questions please contact us at


Omni Houston Hotel, Riverway, Houston, TX, USA

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