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Get a full body workout that will leave you feeling taller with better posture and well connected to your core. Gift certificate is good for either 2-one 1/2 hour sessions or 1-one hour session with owner Patty Hafen. Call to book your appointment in advance. No expiration date.
Donated by Big Bear Pilates
A one-month membership at 7K Crossfit will wet your appetite for the kind of training they offer and a healthy, toned up body to impress your current Valentine or the next one. Scandalous, we know! No expiration date.
CrossFit is a core strength and conditioning program. The program elicits as broad an adaptational response as possible. It is not a specialized fitness program but a deliberate attempt to optimize physical competence in each of ten recognized fitness domains., including Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, and Accuracy.
Donated by 7K CrossFit
Even though it's cold and sometimes snowy, beach weather isn't far away. Really.
Try out this 6-month membership at The Fitness Source, offering State Of The Art Gym Equipment In A Modern And Mountain Feel Health Club.
Take Charge! Exercising increases your positivity and tones those muscles before summer comes calling.
Donated by The Fitness Source
Relax, unwind and stretch with these yoga classes right here in Big Bear. Gift certificate for one month of unlimited yoga classes! Expires May 31, 2022.
Donated by Mountain Yoga Center
Get in shape with these 2 two-month passes at Body Tek that allow you access to the weight room, 27 different classes, and the Upper Spin Room and so much more.
Donated by Body Tek