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‘Humane Society for Boone County’
We will have heartwarming stories of success, share the best tails from the prior year, present an incredible array of auction items for lively bidding and entertain you with a special guest speaker!
This year, we are offering both an in-house and virtual Fur Ball! An in-house table of 8 (includes dinner and dessert) is $500, an in-house pawty of two is just $125 (with dinner and desert). A Virtual Viewing Pawty of 8 is $250 and includes Zoom access to the gala, auction, speakers and a virtual viewing pawty kit with all goodies for $250. We also have a virtual viewing pawty kit for 2, for just $50 and it includes all the goodies. All guests will be receiving a special VIP Viewing Party Kit with everything you need to help celebrate this Mardi Gras Pawty - beads, treats, etc. No matter what - covid, omicron, snow - you don't have to miss the Fur Ball Pawty!
Before we launch the presentations of the evening, we'll open the pawty up to all for a virtual zoom pawty! We promise the night will be filled with fun as we crown our Mardi Gras King and/or Queen, great stories, shelter updates, and a Fur Ball like no other!