The National 4-H Conference is a civic engagement opportunity for youth representing land-grant universities. Held annually except for several years during World War II and the recent Covid-19 pandemic, hundreds of 4-H members come together with shared goals to create positive social change, present youth voice to a federal agency, and engage in personal development experiences. Whether held in Washington, D.C., virtually, or another respective location to be announced for 2022, the positive outcomes for teen participants remains!
During National 4-H Conference, youth participants experience:
· learning about current issues facing the nation, while working within their roundtable group to develop a presentation, and report their briefing to a national partner;
· opportunities to speak with their Congressional Representatives;
· hearing from special guests including United States Secretary of Agriculture; and
· engaging in positive networking with 4-H peers from across the country.
What past participants have to say:
"National 4-H Conference greatly relieved stress I had previously had towards public speaking and legislative visits. Because of Conference, I now have confidence in my abilities and enjoy meeting with members of Congress and our state government."
"I gained useful leadership, as well as teamworking skills that have prepared me to work more effectively with others. I was also given the opportunity to network and learn more about how to connect with 4-Hers and legislators to bring more ideas and connections to my state's program."
"I was a part of the Safe Driving roundtable that presented to National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) and U.S. Department of Transportation. One if the greatest outcomes of the presentation was a new approach to NHTSA's advertising campaigns. The most interesting part of this was we noticed results and changes as soon as we returned home from Conference and could tell that they really did listen and care."
Suggested sponsorship is $1,000 to send a member, but any amount will be accepted to support this trip.