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Angel Somers  Angel Somers, 2021 Educator of Excellence 

Angel recently retired from the Long Branch, NJ School District after a 27-year career in education, primarily as a teacher.

After getting her master's in education, she taught sixth grade for five years, became a media specialist in the West Long Branch school district, then ran the media program for both an elementary and middle school.

She wasn't about to stop her education and took classes at Montclair State University (MSU) for a post-graduate certificate program.  She learned to know Dr. Erik Jacobson by taking a few courses from him leading to becoming a teacher in Write on Sports.  She taught for three years in the West Orange and the Hawthorne/Clifton WoS camps- commuting daily from Monmouth County.

Then she agreed to start a Write on Sports program at Monmouth University, which today includes a second camp for Asbury Park, and participated there for four years.

"I'm proud that I was instrumental in bringing the Write on Sports program to Monmouth County campus in 2015, " she says, and then reflecting on the impact WoS has had on her career.

"My time spent as part of the WoS family was one of the highlights of my career. I was inspired by students who had the ambition and drive to improve their communication skills during the summer months," she said.

" I was awed by the quality of the teaching staff. . .each teacher brought a unique skill set that enhanced the program.

"Write on Sports has a profound impact on my teaching skills.  I became a much better teacher because I was a member of this dedicated and talented staff.  I owe Write on Sports a debt of gratitude for making my professional life so fulfilling."

Earl Hart III Earl Hart, III  2021 All Star Student

 Earl, who spent three summers in Write on Sports camps, dreams big. He aspires to attend college and beyond that has ambitions to become an architect or a pro basketball player or an ESPN sports reporter.  Or perhaps, all three, "who knows?" he asks.

"Spending the last three summers in the Write on Sports program has opened my eyes to a career beyond just playing sports, "he says. "It has taught me how to be a better writer, how to listen critically during interviews, and how to manage my time." 

Earl, 14 and a ninth-grader at Columbia High School in South Orange, is an avid sports fan and plays basketball and baseball.  He hopes to be a Division 1 athlete and since the age of nine has been thinking about attending college.  At the moment, he has his eyes on attending college at the University of North Carolina or the University of Florida.

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