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We know Wendy Fay and we love her. She paints from her heart - she tells her stories. This one is about Lexi, Lovi, Lucia, Lori, and their mom Lonnie - who is so proud of each of them because they would do anything to make her smile. If this reminds you of your family, hang it in your home.
Another gorgeous offering from Wendy Fay. She calls this "The Church Ladies" - they are at once formidable and God-fearing but also full of grace and love.
Queen Flora - just look at her crown. She is thankful, grateful, and blessed. This beautiful portrait by Wendy Fay will bring the joy of spring into your home (and we all could use a little bit of that!).
When you look at this portrait, you are drawn into the presence of Queen Iesha. Her strength is matched only by her wisdom. Colors swirl. You know that when she speaks, you need to listen.
A note about the artist - Wendy Fay always says, "Art is my love and my love is art." She paints her memories; portraits of (mostly) women who have been part of her life. Her portraits are colorful and strong - focusing on the spirit of each subject. Queen Iesha is a wonderful example of this: After a few moments in her presence, you walk away carrying her strength with you. Her strength fortifies you and lifts you up.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. - Can you believe it's been 30 years??
Original abstract painting by Debbie Robbins
This wall hanging features a favorite verse and faithful reminder that the LORD will see us through anything the world tosses up. Trust in the Lord.
Wowzie - this will brighten up any wall, corner, and day.