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Slo Food Market Event for 12

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Treat yourself to a private and fully curated special night for 12 at Slo Food Market in downtown Sheboygan. This after-hours private experience will begin on your mutually agreed date starting at 6:30pm, with a complementary glass of Champagne. Team Stefano's will then transform the Slo Food market into your exclusive tasting playground. Sample new flavors, feast on local grass-fed meats with vegetables and accoutrements, treat your palate to their in-house desserts, and sip on delicious roasted coffee. This 2.5 hour experience also includes a 30 minute, 30% off shopping spree around the store. Does not include wine, beverages, or gratuity. Donated by Stefano and Whittney Viglietti.

Donated By Stefano's Slo Food Market