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"Behind Teeth" by Jamie Chan

$200 current bid
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FMV: $700

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"This is an unframed 24"x18" work on paper featuring a Chinese guardian creature, which I observed in colonialized ceramic form at the Peabody Essex Museum on a visit with my family a few years ago. It was meaningful that it was a family trip, because we all live in different cities, and convene only once a year. I love the reverence of the guardian dog lion, but in this case my outsider approach prompted a concern about the teeth, the body, the layers of seeing through to some kind of essential presence about the form, and how it defines space around it. Through embodied senses, I seek to define my own terms of engagement with cultural symbols of all kinds." -Jamie Chan

Jamie Chan (b. 1984) is an artist from Los Angeles, now based in Brooklyn. She received her BFA from UCLA in 2006 and her MFA in painting from Bard College in 2013. Her work has been shown at Tif Sigfrids Gallery, Athens and NYC, Ceysson et Bénétière, NYC, in an installation by Nancy Shaver at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, and in project spaces across NYC and LA. Appearing in 4Columns in 2018, Chan coauthored a review of an exhibition of paintings shown inside a mall in Chinatown. Her writing has also appeared in the collection This Long Century (http:/ Chan works in Art Education at the School of Visual Arts and is a member of Essex Flowers.

This item was kindly donated by Jamie Chan

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