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Arhm Choi Wild Consultation


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This consultation will consist of a reading of manuscript and customized feedback based on what the writer is looking for. Examples of types of feedback could be on poem order, form, the choice to translate words into English or not, consistency (i.e. in how numbers appear, tense, diction), and grammar.

Arhm Choi Wild is a queer, Korean-American poet and the author of CUT TO BLOOM, the winner of the 2019 Write Bloody Prize. Arhm received a MFA in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College and their work appears in Barrow Street, The Massachusetts Review, Pleiades, Split this Rock, and others. They have received fellowships from Kundiman, the Sewanee Writers' Conference, and the Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, and was a finalist for the 2020 Poetic Excellence Prize from Button Poetry. They work as the Director of the Progressive Teaching Institute and Diversity Coordinator at a school in New York City. For more information, visit

This item was kindly donated by Arhm Choi Wild

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