Cycling Without Age
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Your support helps create and grow Cycling Without Age Chapters in communities across Wisconsin. Donations support the purchase of safety supplies, training for tri-shaws pilots and tri-shaws to give rides to those who can not ride a bicycle on their own. The program reduces isolation, improves quality of life and inter-generational relationships, enriching the sense of community.
$20 buys parts to maintain tri-shaws
$50 buys a start up kit for a tri-shaw (handlebar bag for emergency supplies, bottle cage, safety vest, journal for recording stories)
$100 supports 1 Bike Friendly Driver class for Cycling Without Age communities
$150 pays for on bike education for 2 volunteer pilots
$250 pays for transporting a trishaw to a different community to help start a new chapter
$500 buys one wind and waterproof blanket to keep passengers warm on fall rides to see the colorful leaves
$1000 supports pilot training classes in communities around the state.
$12,500 buys a tri-shaw to bring the experience of biking to those who can not ride on their own