What else can we say? Enjoy this Chips mug and mega-assortment of 16 different chips from across the globe. Not required but can ya send us your review of each? Please note this item cannot be shipped.
Molly Anne Bishop hand crafted "all chips are good chips" mug and assortment of chips including:
Lay's Spicy Roasted Seaweed from Taiwan, O!Karto! Chili Chili Flavor Snack from Korea, Kara Mucho Spicy from Japan, Conimex Kroepoek Java Prawn Chips from Indonesia, Oolala Porcini Rosemary and Olive Oil, Burts Guinness Rich Chili from United Kingdom, Orion Turtle Chips Corn Soup Flavor from Korea, Lay's Magic Marsala, Jose Andres Himalayan Pink Salt from Spain, HT Seaweed Flavored Ramen Snack from Taiwan, Doritos Nacho Cheesier from Taiwan, Sal de Ibiza Salt and Vinegar from Spain, Sal de Ibiza White Truffle Chips from Spain, Torres Mediterranean Herb from Spain, Lorenz Paprika Chips from Germany, Torres Black Truffle from Spain, Irvins Salted Egg Crisps from Indonesia, Walkers Worcester Sauce Chips from England, Sauvorsmiths Chips in Truffle and Rosemary, Italian Cheese and Port, Bubbly and Serrano Chili from Great Britain, Lays Ketchup Chips from Canada, Honey Butter Chips from Korea.