Donate Now

  • $5-provides a learning packet for one scholar
  • $20-provides internet access for 1 scholar for 2 months
  • $50-provides teaching supplies kit to give online instruction for 1 teacher
  • $100-provides internet access for 10 scholars for 2 months
  • $250-provides 1 chrome book for 1 scholar
  • $500-provides 1 laptop with microsoft suite for 1 teacher
  • $1000-covers cost of Zoom technology upgrade for school leaders and teachers to meet virtually
  • $1500-covers cost of digital classroom software for scholar's laptops at GLA Southwest
  • $2500-covers the digital classroom software for scholar's laptops at GLA West

Your Contribution Will Make A Huge Difference

We are committed, now more than ever to our mission of "preparing future leaders of the world."


90% of the students we serve are from high poverty neighborhoods and qualify for free and reduced lunch. Therefore, the economic impact of the global crisis we are currently experiencing is having an even greater impact on the families we serve.

To that end, we are in need of your support now more than ever. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to help support our scholars and families, we have created an emergency fund which will be used to provide the necessary digital tools, internet access, and  technology needed to ensure that our teachers and 1300 scholars who attend GLA West and GLA Southwest stay connected to us, and maintain access to online learning while quarantining at home.

We are so grateful for your  support of our emergency COVID-19 technology fund for our scholars.


Thank you, 

Dr. Naomi Johnson Booker, CEO

Hosted By

Global Leadership Academies
Do you have questions or need additional information? Please contact us so we can assist you.

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