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Donna Always Leaves a Light On

$575 current bid
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Title: "Donna Always Leaves a Light On"

Artist: Michelle Streiff

Medium: Oil on canvas

Dimensions: 32"x26"

Animals Depicted are the Get Smart Family and here is their story:

"It took us about 5 weeks to complete this rescue, and we felt hope, disappointment, frustration, adrenaline, and absolute joy! We go to great lengths to rescue puppies AND their mom. We will do everything imaginable, so we never have to leave a mom behind. We first spotted mom- a pregnant stray running in the cold. We trailed her and her male friend all day, but they finally lost us. She completely disappeared...

Time went by since that first day we saw her. We set traps in areas we had seen her with delicious hot food, but they were always empty. We searched abandoned house after abandoned house. The temperatures were low and the wind was blowing. We knew if she had puppies, they would need our help. We finally found them in a house surrounded with thicket. The two little puppies were shivering, it broke our hearts. We set a trap with delicious warm food, but it didn't work. Later, we went back and even put the puppies in the trap, but mom had outsmarted us once again. We cried our eyes out when we left, but we knew they were too young to be away from their mom and it would be best for them to stay together for now. We made them as warm as we could and used blankets from inside the house to make a little bed for them. We left dinner for mom, too. It was a really hard, emotional day but we felt we made the best decision.

We installed a trail cam in the house so we could make sure the puppies were being well taken care of by Mom while we came up with a plan. To our surprise, DAD was very engaged as well and was always checking on them! The love on mom's face when she nursed warmed our hearts and made the fire within us even stronger than it was to rescue this family as a whole. But they wouldn't let us get close to them and they were too smart to go in a trap. That's when we came up with a new plan...

We started parking further away to try to sneak up on the house. We boarded up the windows and added chicken wire so there was only one exit. If we could corner them in the house, we know we would be able to rescue them. But with all the sticks and brush, they always heard us and fled before we could get to the door. We went on days it snowed, days it sleeted, and days it rained hoping the elements would help disguise our sounds. We even crawled through the mud! We went at different times of the day, too. But they always fled. We checked on the puppies every day and left large piles of food for mom and dad. We laid awake at night worrying about this little family.

Then the idea struck! We went to Habitat for Humanity to buy a door. We tied a long piece of rope to the handle. If we pulled it shut from out in the street while the family was in there, then we could rescue them all together! Genius! Hold on little ones, we will rescue you soon.

We pulled the door shut several times a day because the weather predicted single digits. The adults were never in there when we were! If this didn't work, we would just have to pull the puppies. We decided we would go the next morning when it was still dark as our last attempt. Donna just pulled the door shut... WE GOT THEM!!!

The adults were so scared, and huddled in the bathtub with their faces in the corner - just hoping we wouldn't see them.

When they got back to the shelter, we gave them a nice private spot to decompress. Mom, Dad & the little ones were together - safe & warm.

*If you are the winning bidder, artwork will be available for pick up from the Pine Street Shelter starting Thursday June 11th. If you are not local to the St. Louis Area, shipping will be an additional cost and will be calculated for each piece individually.

Donated By Michelle Streiff