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Figure on Paper 9.5" x 15", by artist Kristin Blakeney
Limited Edition Mark Ingram Signature Edition Fine Art Print by Daniel Moore of 2009 Heisman Trophy Winner Mark Ingram; 38" x 32"
26 x 38 framed monoprit of a brown leaf Catherine Cummings Pugh
32 x 38 framed scan of an original Elephant Ear by Catherine Cummings Pugh
Mixed media on paper, 15" x 19", by Julie Jamison
22 x 24 framed monoprint with pastels, by Catherine Cummings Pugh
19 x 25 framed monoprint framed monoprint of a green shorts set, by Catherine Cummings Pugh
Acrylic on canvas, 14" x 14", by Kristin Thomason
Pressed Philodendron in white frame, 13" x 19" by artist Ryn Miller. The art of pressing flowers is a long-established process, one that the artist find truly beautiful and unique. Each specimen was hand selected and placed in a wooden leaf press for several weeks, until dry. It is important to note that the color of each botantical will change over time, as a natural process of plant aging. If you have a painted botantical, this will not occur.
Acrylic on canvas 15" x 30", Pasquale Tosyali
Acrylic on canvas, 18" x 24", by Noelle Mercurio
16 x 20 mixed media on canvas, Ginny Busby