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Cooking Class with a Chef!

$120 current bid
3 Bids

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Cook your family a delicious dinner, in the comfort of your home, all while being virtually guided and assisted by a professional chef! Hang out with Chef Pamela T in Zoom while she guides you in cooking creamy garlic Tuscan salmon with spinach and sun dried tomatoes over angel hair pasta.

With a $100 gift card to Meijer and a $50 gift card to Penzy Spices, you'll be able to pick up all the ingredients you need to make a dinner the whole family will love!

About Chef Pamela T and Happy Plate: Chef Pamela T has been cooking since the age 9. Being from Southern roots, Soul Food was the first on the list of recipes to learn. Soon what was a chore, turned into a passion. Chef Pamela T is a youngish Black Woman born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. Her passion for the culinary arts has led her to many great local kitchens in the Milwaukee area including the Hyatt, Stella in the Westin, Bavarian Bierhaus and Eddie Martini's. She has been a culinary art instructor at The Goodwill where she taught felons and adults with disabilities culinary skills, while in a working café setting.

Chef Pamela T's owns the catering and personal business called Happy Plate! As a child waiting for dessert, her mother would always say ""No dessert, until you have a happy plate."" While cooking for family and friends, she always notices their plates would be empty, and that's how Happy Plate was born!

Cooking for a variety of clients, of different cultural backgrounds, taught her how to cook for almost anyone. In efforts of stepping away from those southern and helping her community eat healthier, Chef Pamela T has adapted a more pescatarian, vegetarian and vegan menu has the focal point of Happy Plate.

Donated By Friend of Eras, Chef Toccara Olinger, Meijer Waukesha

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