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This year's Fund A Need will raise money for Community-Based Learning. We are planning to add a part-time job coach to guide our students through learning experiences, in locations such as banks, grocery stores, work sites, and other community-based sites. A dedicated job coach with safe, reliable transportation, will take our students out into the community. Your support will help us expand community-based opportunities, which will provide our students with authentic learning experiences in real world settings, and greatly improve their chances for success in life after high school. The job coach position is part-time and will cost $25,000 (salary/payroll taxes/benefits) to fund. Please help us make this a reality. As always, thank you for your support of Concord Academy.
Live Classroom Platform (Zoom)Allows our teachers and staff to interact in real time with students and parents. It's also a great tool for teachers to record on-demand lessons that students can access at a convenient time for them.
Annual cost for Education/Professional Platform with internet safeguards, staff training, and implementation: $2000
Remote Learning Management SystemEasy to use, visual platform that will allow our teachers to connect with students online, distribute materials, collect assignments, facilitate discussions, and assess progress. Students will be able to access all their remote learning tools and materials in one place.
Annual cost for implementation and training: $3600
Presenting Sponsor Gerber Taylor
Herzog Family Online Sponsor